With the news of Queen Beatrix of the Nehterlands abidcating from the throne, the hasthag Máxima Zorreguieta [es] became trending topic on Twitter network. Máxima, born in Argentina and married to Prince Willian Alexander, Prince of Orange-Nassau, would become Queen of the Netherlands.
Argentinian Twitter users reacted promptly, such as Juan Cruz Maldonado (@Chankra_Lad), who tweeted [es]:
@Chankra_Lad: Máxima Zorreguieta sera la reina de Holanda. Tipico, los argentinos triunfando afuera de Argentina
@Chankra_Lad [es]: Máxima Zorreguieta will be Queen of the Netherlands. It's just typical, Argentinian succeed out of Argentina.
Darío Silva D'Andrea (@DariusBaires), an enthusiast about royalty and its history, according to his profile on Twitter, writes [es]:
@DariusBaires: Los reyes holandeses abdican; los reyes ingleses mueren, los reyes españoles… a ellos los echan.
@DariusBaires [es]: Dutch monarchs abdicate; English monarchs die, Spanish monarchs… those are thrown out.
Federico Croce (@FedericoCroce) doesn't want to miss the Coronation and tweets that he wants to be there. Nonetheless, other Argentinian Twitter users don't agree and prefer not to celebrate Maxima's new investiture, just as Mathias Carnaghi (@MathiasCarnaghi), who writes [es]:
@MathiasCarnaghi: Festejar que Máxima Zorreguieta sea reina es seguir avalando la monarquía en el mundo. Dejen de estar al pedo [de estar ociosos] y gastar la guita de la gente!
@MathiasCarnaghi: To celebrate that Maxima Zorreguieta becomes queen is to keep on supporting monarchy around the world. Stop being lazy and spending people's money!
Also, the hashtag #Holanda [Nehterlands] became local trend.
The wedding of William and Maxima might not have taken place due to the bride's father's prior role in the Argentinian military dictatorship. The blog Comer Viajar Amar [es] writes about this [es]:
El noviazgo con Máxima en 1999 y su boda por amor, que estuvo a punto de frustrarse debido al pasado del padre de la novia, hicieron del príncipe una figura muy popular.
Guillermo y Máxima, la pareja heredera, contrajeron matrimonio en 2002 en la Iglesia Nueva de Ámsterdam. El padre de ella no pudo acudir por el rechazo que creó en la clase política holandesa el hecho de que hubiera ejercido un cargo público durante la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983), cuando se desempeñó secretario de Agricultura y Ganadería.
In 1999, Maxima's engagement and her for-love wedding, which almost got wrecked due to past of the bride's father, made the Prince a very popular figure.
Guillermo y Máxima, the crown couple [es], got married in 2002 at the Nieuw Kerk in Amsterdam. Her father couldn't attend due to the rejection generated amolng the Dutch political class for having had a public post during the last Argentinian military dictatorship (1976-1983), when he was Secretary of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.
Máxima earned the hearts of the Dutch people, and by April 30, 2013 the future Queen of the Netherlands is expected for her royal investiture.
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