21 January 2013

Stories from 21 January 2013

The Cultural Aspect of Wildlife Trade in China

  21 January 2013

Terroir from Beijing Cream criticizes professional photojournalist Patrick Brown's photographs series, Trading to Extinction for being over simplified in the explanation of wildlife trade in China as “naive” and “greed”:...

Australia: Lactivists Demonstrate for Public Breastfeeding

  21 January 2013

Lactivists have taken to social media and the streets to protect the right to breastfeeding in public in Australia. Two demonstrations have taken place following the ejection of Liana Webster, a mother breastfeeding at a public pool on 12 January 2013.

Philippines: Anti-Cybercrime Law Denounced as ‘Cyber Martial Law’

  21 January 2013

More voices in the Philippines are questioning the Cybercrime Prevention Law as the oral arguments on the petitions against the law are being heard in the Supreme Court. The law was denounced by activists as a 'Cyber Martial Law' because of provisions that would limit free speech and expression in the internet sphere

Symbolic State Burial in Kenya's #BallotRevolution Protests

  21 January 2013

On 16 January 2013, peaceful protests under the banner #BallotRevolution took place in capital city Nairobi. Protesters called on their fellow Kenyans to refrain from reelecting the current Members of Parliament, who increased their salaries and benefits just a few months before the country’s general election set for 4 March.

South Korea's Four Rivers Project is a Train-Wreck

  21 January 2013

In South Korea, the highly controversial Four Rivers Project has finally proven to be a train-wreck. Contrary to government claims, the latest audit report finds that the project has worsened water quality and hemorrhaged an astronomical amount of taxpayer money due to defective construction.