Today, Saturday January 19th, 2013 is the end of the “most dangerous race in the world”: the Dakar, in Santiago. In this edition, participants crossed Peru, Argentina and Chile during the various stages of the competition. This is the fourth year in a row that the Dakar takes place in South America.
Chilean netizens are excited about the finish line. Especially, they expect that their fellow countryman, Francisco “Chaleco” Lopez [es], a motorcyclist, may improve the third place he achieved in 2009 on this edition that ends at home. Also, in the quads competition, there are two Latin Americans with possibilities to be on the podium, the Chilean Ignacio Casale and the Argentinean Marcos Patronelli (@mpatronelli).
Here, we gathered some comments from Twitter – several of them from the competitors themselves – that have made Dakar and #Dakar2013 national trending topics in Chile and Peru:
Fransisco Lopez C, Twitter user Chaleco Lopez [es], tweeted before the last stage started:
@ChalecoDakar: Me queda 1 día, estoy 3° porq tuve que cambiar motor. Ha sido un gran Dakar, he ganado 4 etapas y me la jugaré por llegar a la meta mañana!
@ChalecoDakar: Only 1 day left, I'm 3rd because I had to change the engine. It's been a great Dakar, I have won 4 stages and I'll do my best to get to the finish line tomorrow!
Sports journalist Francisco Aure [es], gladly commented:
#Dakar2013 MOTOS: Se termina el rally, ‘Chaleco’ López le descontó uno de los ocho minutos a Despres en el WP1. El chileno va por el milagro
@FranciscoAure: #Dakar2013 MOTOS: The rally ends and “Chaleco” Lopez has reduced the eight minutes Despres had of advantage at the WP1. The Chilean is going for the miracle
Argentienean UTV driver, Sebastian Scholz [es], thanked netizens who have been in touch with him to cheer him up:
@PITUSCHOLZ: Gracias a todos los q escriben x privado, a los q twittean, los que comentan. PROMETO regalos y responderles a c/u cuando vuelva
@PITUSCHOLZ: Thank you to all of you who write privately, to those who tweet, to those who comment. I PROMISE gifts and answers to each of you when I get back #Dakar2013
Argentinean Javier Pizzolito [es] wrote:
@JavierPizzolito: Última etapa de este Dakar!! Los espera 121 km de enlace más 346 km de especial hasta la meta Santiago de…
@JavierPizzolito: Las stage of this Dakar!! 121 kms of connection plus 346 kms of special until the finish line in Santiago
On the other hand, BanderaCuadros [es] commented on the possibility “Chaleco” had to win:
@BaCuadros: Chaleco Lopez le descuenta casi 2 minutos a Despres. Si el chileno quiere ganar, depende errores o problemas para Cyril.
@BaCuadros: Chaleco Lopez gets 2 minutes closer to Despres. If the Chilean wants to win, he depends on mistakes or problems for Cyril. #Dakar2013
Guillermo Orrego [es], jokingly, proposed a way to warranty Chaleco's triumph:
@Guille_Iqq: quien se anima a tirarle una vaca a DESPRES
#dakar2013 xD
@Guille_Iqq: who volunteers to throw a cow to DESPRES #dakar2013? xD
And finally, Waldo Muñoz [es] echoes the hopes of Chileans:
@ranks12: Vamos
@ChalecoDakar al Podio en este#dakar2013 vamos Chile !
@ranks12: Go @ChalecoDakar to the podium in this #dakar2013. Go Chile!
hi fucking asses
hello fuckin fags