Kenya's general elections will be held on March 4, 2013 under the new constitution, which was passed during the 2010 national referendum.
According to Kenya's Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, as of Monday December 9, 2012 only 8.6 million people had registered, out of 18 million eligible voters. The deadline for voter registration is 18 December, 2012.
As the deadline approaches, Kenyans on Twitter are using the #nimeregister hashtag to encourage each other to vote and share voter registration information, experiences and photos. Nimeregister is a combination of Swahili and English (Sheng) which means “I have registered.”
#Nimeregister and proud:
@samdemic: I am a registered voter of Nakuru East constituency. #Nimeregister
@BeateWN: #Nimeregister two weeks ago,waiting kutoa #mavulture on #March4 [waiting to remove the vultures (corrupt politicians)]
@shikohtwit: “@MikeMachariaSST: I am now a registered voter . Process was quick and efficient .” #nimeregister
@Kamaley: In record 5 mins, i am a Registered Voter. March 2013 needs to come soon.#nimeregister.
#Nimeregister advice:
@kenyanpundit: Good to see the #nimeregister hashtag picking up – registered to vote? Share your picture and tag it #nimeregister
@kenyanpundit: Registered as a voter? Get your #nimeregister badge here:
@OleMartinezM: RT @waithash: If you don't register this time round, you lose any right to complain about poor leadership #KOT #nimeregister
@kenyanpundit: RT @zestex: Find a polling station near you at then register. Be the change you want #Nimeregister
@NiKuvuka: @shecyclesnbi The card you got is the confirmation slip. Take a pic of yourself with it and post it #nimeregister
@mwasjd: “@Chiefkariuki: Please let us all register as voters. it is the only way to participate in the elections.” #Nimeregister
@NiKuvuka: Have you registered?? Take a photo of yourself holding your voter registration confirmation slip and upload it to our page! #nimeregister
@J_Njeri: Dear Kenyans, remember to give your employees time off so that they can register as voters! Their voice counts too! #Nimeregister
Responsible citizenship:
@dimoz: Am a true kenyan #nimeregister @bellelinde @nyachio_b @makodingo @fokango @ClanSewe
@waithash: The Voter's card is the best weapon you can use to bring the change that you've so desired for your country. #KOT #nimeregister
@Alan_Wachira: Its My Duty,My Responsibility #NimeRegister
@cmukabana: #nimeregister kura yangu sauti yangu [my vote, my voice]
Registration is simple:
@brendawambui: I have to give it up to the IEBC [Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission]. The whole registration process was less than 2 minutes! :) #nimeregister #gottovote
@abuokari: Am registered.Kilimani Primary.less than 3 mins. #NimeRegister
@njorogekui: “@kenyanpundit: Well done! RT @njorogekui: So registration took me less than a minute. #nimeregister” there we go!!
Finally, David Wanjiru adds:
@DavidWanjiru: Between now and Dec 18, the most important thing to do is register, get others to. Me #nimeregister. Baadaye tuanalyse mavu? [We will analyze the vultures (corrupt policians) later]