A group of international Tibetan studies scholars launched a petition addressed to China's Xi Jinping, asking the new leader to adjust its language, culture and religion policy in the Tibetan region:
As specialists in the areas of Tibetan language, culture and religion, we would like to share with you, through this letter, our own concerns about the various measures that jeopardize the continuing viability of this civilization, a civilization that is one of the treasures of humanity and for which the Chinese government has clearly stated its responsibility.
80 Tibet scholars have signed the cause. The Chinese version is at Woser's Blog [zh].
The petition only seeks rights for Tibetans within the context of being ruled by the Chinese. It is more important to argue for the Tibetans’ most fundamental right, the right to self-determination.
What about Han people’s right to self-determination? Why should Tibetans have independence if they never let Han people have independence? Tibetans are nomadic scum. They were allies of the Mongols and the Manchus. Those nomadic viruses destroyed Han civilization, murdered millions of Han people, enslaved the Han race, destroyed Han culture, destoryed Han clothing, and forced Han people to adapt their ugly hair style. How dare the Tibetans pretend to be victims! Nomadic animals are shameless.
Ethnic minorities are still the first-class citizens of China and Han people are still second-class. Nomadic animals are above the law. They commit massive amount of crimes against Han people, but they can’t be punished by the law because that would be human rights abuse. Ethnic minorities do not pay taxes, but they recevice free health care and free education all paid by Han people.
Nomadic animals are a threat to civilization. They must pay for their crimes.