On Nov. 5, 2011, Olaolu Femi, a Nigerian student in Ukraine, was attacked by a group of young people in the city of Luhansk; he was detained the next day, and his alleged attempt to defend himself and a friend was interpreted by the Ukrainian prosecutors as attempted murder, for which he is now facing a minimum of 10-15 years and up to life in jail. He has spent the past year in a pre-trial detention center. “Self-defence is no offence” is the slogan of the campaign in his support [en].
More on the campaign: Free Olaolu on Facebook [ru, en]; information on the case at Justice for Olaolu Femi blog [en, uk]; an online petition demanding Femi's release and a fair trial for him (1,118 signatures so far).
this is racist. i will never go to the Ukraine