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Mexico: #YoSoy132 and the Festival ‘Corona Capital 2012′

Categories: Latin America, Mexico, Citizen Media, Digital Activism, Music, Protest

The music festival Corona Capital 2012 [1] [es] will take place in Distrito Federal, Mexico on October 13 and 14, 2012. The event is sponsored by a well-known beer company. Many internationally renowned bands will participate, such as New Order (England), Franz Ferdinand (Scotland), The Raveonettes (Denmark), The Wallflowers (United States) and many more.

For a couple of months, Corona Capital 2012 has been caught in a controversy for being organized by a company that is connected to one of the major Mexican television networks. The youth movement #YoSoy132 [2] expressed its discontent, encouraging the public to not attend, as reported by the weekly Proceso [3] [es] and Animal Político [4] [es]. The following quote is from a website that publishes information on behalf of #YoSoy132 [5] [es]:

El 40 por ciento de las ganancias de Ocesa serán directamente entregadas a Televisa. No se trata de una campaña contra las bandas que participan, sino una manera de informar nuestra resistencia a eventos patrocinados por Televisa y sensibilizar respecto al tema, invitando a no asistir. Entendemos que se trata de un evento que consiste en un espacio cultural de gran atractivo para muchos; sin embargo, recordemos que debemos ser consistentes con nuestros principios y exigencias siempre, no sólo cuando nos conviene.

40% of Ocesa's profits will go directly to Televisa. This is not a campaign against the participating bands, but a way to inform our resistance about events sponsored by Televisa and raise awareness about the issue, asking people not to attend. We understand that this cultural event is very attractive for many; however, let us remember that we should always be consistent in our principals and demands, not only when it is convenient for us.

Víctor Hernández [6] [es] commented on the issue in Blog de Izquierda (Leftist Blog):

Afiche de #132sinCorona [5]

Afiche de #132sinCorona

La intención es loable. Falta ver qué tanto impacto tiene. Es un riesgo muy alto el que toma #YoSoy132 al hacer una apuesta de convocatoria de ese tamaño. Habrá que ver el resultado. Si el boicot es efectivo, será un triunfo político enorme para #YoSoy132.

The intention is commendable. We still have yet to see what impact it has. #YoSoy132 is taking a big risk to call a bet of this size. We have to see what the result will be. If the boycott is effective, it will be a huge political triumph for #YoSoy132.

Germán Méndez [7] [es], in the blog Inverna Ideas, expressed his views on the issue and the moral dilemma that it represents for him:

Como muchos, dudaba asistir al Corona. Sin ser 132, entiendo y comparto su demanda con respecto a la equidad en tiempo y contenido de la información mas no la idea de que mis preferencias políticas determinen mis preferencias musicales.

Entiendo que Televisa es un uno de los principales accionistas de una de las empresas que organiza el concierto; entiendo que una de las mejores formas de combatir monopolios es vía consumo. Sin embargo, es absurdo atacar límites con más límites; convertir la decisión de asistir o no a un concierto en un predicamento moral.

¿Dónde queda la principal arma de un grupo compuesto en su mayoría por jóvenes? CREATIVIDAD, pensar fuera de la caja.

Like many others, I have thought about not going to Corona. Although I am not a part of 132, I understand and share in their claim with respect to fairness of time and content of information more than the idea that my political preference determine my musical preferences.

I understand that Televisa is one of the major shareholders of the companies that are organizing the concert; I understand that one of the best ways to fight monopolies is via consumption. However, its absurd to attack limits with more limits; making the decision whether or not to attend a concert becomes a moral predicament.

Where is the main weapon of a group composed primarily of young people? CREATIVITY, thinking outside of the box.

David Radii also spoke towards this dilemma, commenting on a post [8] [es] about the issue:

Me interesa asistir por New Order (quién no) y por Death In Vegas (incluso más por este último). Soy de los que llevan 10 años esperando que DiV se presente por estas tierras, y justo cuando vienen, tengo la gran incomodidad de la situación socio-política, de la que nadie es ajeno. Soy antipriísta desde que tengo uso de razón (tengo 32 años).

I am interested in seeing New Order (who wouldn't?) and Death in Vegas (even more for the latter) I am someone who has waited 10 years for DiV to play a concert here and right when they come, I have the great discomfort of this socio-political situation from which no one is exempt. I have been anti-PRI [Institutional Revolutionary Party [9], the party of President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto [10]] since I had the use of reason (I am 32).

The commentator in question also pointed out:

Creo que a corto y mediano plazo los mexicanos tendremos que seguir soportando que quienes pueden organizarnos eventos y presentaciones de artistas importantes, sean casi siempre empresarios sin escrúpulos.

I think in the short and long term Mexicans will have to continue to accept that those who organize events and appearances of important artists are almost always unscrupulous businessmen.

In the same post, commentator Freddie Walker [11] [es] spoke towards his displeasure with the fact that the youth movement is encouraging people not to attend the event:

Para mi, la música es un artículo de primera necesidad (llámese en discos, en conciertos o de manera digital) y no estoy dispuesto a privarme de ir a donde a mi me plazca y ver a quien yo quiera solo por lo que “sugiere” un movimiento que la verdad considero, ya no sabe que inventar para seguirse autosustentando. Mi ideología política no está peleada por si quiero ver las olimpiadas o por si deseo seguir yendo a conciertos.

For me, music is a staple of necessity (be it CDs, concert or digitally) and I am not willing to deprive myself of going where I want to go and seeing who I want to see because of the “suggestion” of a movement that I truly believe does not know what to invent to continue self-sustaining. My political ideology is not fought for because I want to watch the Olympics or because I want to keep going to concerts.

As the event approaches, Twitter users have expressed their opinions more and more about Corona Capital 2012. @Rojomon9 [12] [es] commented:

@Rojomon9 [13]: Están insoportables con su Corona Capital y todavía falta más de una semana. Que horror.

@Rojomon9 [13]: They are unbearable about their Corona Capital and there is still a week left. What horror.

On the other hand, user @Turquoise42 [14] [es] used the social network to state that he will not go to festival:

@Turquoise42 [15]: Ver los espectaculares del Corona Capital 2012 y saber que no voy a ir :'(

@Turquoise42 [15]: Seeing the greatness of Corona Capital 2012 and knowing that I'm not going :'(

@omarfugo [16] [es] shared that his dilemma is choosing what bands to see at Corona Capital 2012:

@omarfugo [17]: Aún estoy indeciso entre ver a Suede, The Hives o a Franz Ferdinand en el #CC12 [18] :

@omarfugo [17]: I'm still undecided between seeing Suede, The Hives or Franz Ferdinand at #CC12 [18] :

User @AngeMavzi [19] [es] launched the following question to members of the #YoSoy132 movement:

@AngeMavzi [20]: Si sabrán los eruditos del Yo soy 132 que el dinerito de su boleto del Corona Capital va a Televisa?

@AngeMavzi [19]: Do the experts of Yo soy 132 know that the money from the tickets for Corona Capital goes to Televisa?

@Marushan [21] [es] openly expressed his reasoning for not attending the festival:

@Marushan [22]: y no voy al Corona Capital por no tener money sino por que #yosoy132 [23]…[sic]

@Marushan [22]: and I'm not going to Corona Capital not because I don't have money but because of #yosoy132 [23]…[sic]

Those are some of the diverse opinions about the controversy over Corona Capital 2012, which you can follow on Twitter with the hashtag #CC12 [24] [es]. For more information, the official festival account is @CoronaCapital [25] [es].