Uganda@50 Logo. Image source: Uganda@50 Facebook page.
On Tuesday 9 October, 1962, Uganda got its independence as the Union Jack flag of England was lowered, the Ugandan flag raised whilst jubilant Ugandans sang the Uganda National Anthem.
On Tuesday 9 October, 2012, Uganda marked the Golden Jubilee of this historic event. Many occasions have taken place around the country to mark this special day, which started with the Kampala Carnival on Sunday 7 October. Many people converged at Kololo Airstrip today to mark the 50 years of independence.
Uganda has had eight presidents since independence, namely, King Sir Edward Muteesa II, Apollo Milton Obote, Idi Amin Dada, Yusuf kironde Lule, Godfrey Lukongwa Binayiisa, Paulo Muwanga, Tito Okello Lutwa, and the current President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
The country still faces challenges of health, education, press freedom among others.
Generally however, many Ugandans seem to be happy about 50 years of independence, and look forward to the next 50 years, as they say Yoga Yoga Uganda (the title of the official Uganda@50 song, which means congratulations in Luganda).
Some Ugandans, however, think the the celebration is a waste of resources in a country where some people sleep hungry.
Ugandans online have been discussing the Jubilee on Twitter and Facebook.
During the main event, there was a spectacular show by Uganda's fighter jets. Norman Anguzu tweets a pic of the jets in air:
#UgandaAt50 Awesome picture from ‘The Mzungu Diaries’#Ugandapic.twitter.com/IJ25bPUw
Lucy Smize tweets about the colors of the Ugandan flag and their meanings:
@Lucy_smize: Black, Yellow, Red: People, Sunshine, Brotherhood.
Patricia Kahill wishes Ugandans nice independence day, but comments on the load shedding of power by Umeme, the company providing hydro electric power:
@pkahill: Happy independence day in Dark
#fumemeug@50#ILoveUgBecause more
Rosebell Kagumire says that despite Uganda celebrating 50 years, the country does show any sign of maturity:
@rosebellk: You r celebrating 50 years of independence + no sign of maturity whatsoever! You cant stand dissent, how will you grow?
Angelo Izama believes Uganda is still one of the most beautiful countries in the world:
@opiaiya: Still possibly one of the most beautiful countries in the world
Vanessa proposes a tost to Uganda's Jubilee:
@v_sees_you: A toast to Uganda! 50 years Independent! \☺/ May God continue to bless our nation!
Timothy Kalyegira tweets about Google Uganda's Jubilee homepage:
@timkalyegira: Even Google is into Uganda@50 hype, with a Uganda theme on its homepage. (But I bet the Internet link is off at Google's Kampala office!)

Google Uganda Homepage
Maxentia comments about the colors she wore today:
@maxen1987: btw, i wore my national flag colours; black yellow red to honour the day#Uganda@50. it feels good
Happy Betty believes she is blessed to witness Uganda at 50 years:
Happy Betty: Blesed 2b hea as Uganda meks 50 sure i shall stil b around at 100 bt 2my generation thus far our fathers hv come its our turn 2take Uganda thr da nxt 50 yrs we determine what we shall have then-God sure is with us!
Edwinsmith Kigozi says:
It feels really good to see Ugandans coming together to celebrate 50 years as Ugandans not looking at the different political parties but just as Ugandans. Let's go Uganda. For God and my country.
Akampa Ivan feels that the fighter jets show was not the best Uganda could have:
Someone should have given me a good stone to shoot for you one of these Jets that have been polluting Kampala with noise and smoke. I wonder whether our Government lacks a proper procurement unit to procure jets that are of advanced technology of current other than old crap or Uganda lacks qualified personnel with jet flying skills. So much disappointed. A proper ride would actually move faster than these jets. Anyway its Uganda at 50, and am proud to be Ugandan. Happy Golden Jubilee Uganda!!!! Lets celebrate.
Shy V Okecho notes that as Uganda is growing old, everything else is growing old too, a reference to un-repaired roads, schools and hospitals:
Naye Uganda@50 ga ekuuze eguudo zikuuze,amaddwaliro gakuuze amadagala tegalimu, ba M.P's bafuuna eguuzi ya 200,000 okuyeesa budget. Naye UGANDA ensi yenge!!
But Uganda@50 as it grows, the roads have also grown, Hospitals grown with no medicine M.P's get bribes of 200,000 to pass the budget. But Uganda my country.
Evelyn Mirembe Nkuyahaga says:
WoW this is just awesome! Uganda@50! I Love my Country and my President! Ululululu… Thank you Jesus for Uganda!