Saudi Arabia: Celebrating National Day in Style

Saudi Arabia marks its National Day today (September 24, 2012) and young Saudis are celebrating the day in style. On Twitter, the day's events are tagged with a special hash tag #اليوم_الوطني, which translates to National Day.

According to accounts on social media, young men took to the streets to celebrate the day, with dancing and street parades in their cars. Some compared the celebration to halloween, which is banned in the Islamic kingdom, while others said this year's national day was like the dance show So You Think You Can Dance.

Hamad Draye expressed his disappointment:

@HamadDraye: Really disappointed at how “some” are celebrating ‪#National_Day‬ ‫#اليوم_الوطني‬

Rasha Mohammed was curious:

@RshooMB: I'm being so curious about the national day celebrations in the street that I'm really considering going to watch it live ‫#اليوم_الوطني‬

While Amal said it was best to ignore the behaviour of young men on this day:

@_hope21: Don't give idiots the attention they don't deserve. That's why they turn into werewolves on ‫‫#اليوم_الوطني‬‬

Reem Alhindi shares this scene from the celebration:

A bus full of young Saudi men celebrating National Day

A bus full of young Saudi men celebrating National Day. Photo shared by Reem Alhindi on Twitter

Faisal Mohammed shares the image below which shows a pick up truck painted green, to celebrate the occasion:

A pick up truck painted green to celebrate Saudi National Day

A pick up truck painted green to celebrate Saudi National Day. Photo shared by Faisal Mohammed on Twitter

Mohammed Abothnain comments:

@M_Abothnain: One would be forgiven to think that Saudi has open bars tonight

And Saudi News shares bad news [ar]:

سقوط شاب من أعلى كوبري شارع صاري أخرج جسده من نافذة السيارة ، حينما كان يحتفل بـ #اليوم_الوطني ..

@SaudiNews50: A young man falls from the flyover of the Sari Highway when he dangled his body from the car window as he was celebrating the national day

This photograph [WARNING: Graphic Content] shows the body of a man, on the ground, in what appears to be a pool of blood.

Meanwhile, Iman Willoughby wryly comments:

: #اليوم_الوطني‬ Oh wait, I think I know. You are celebrating your stupidity, cowardliness, Misogyny, prejudice, narcissism, egotism, and hate.


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