In the past few months, some online public opinion leaders have openly criticized the Chinese government's RMB 4 trillion [approximately US 586 billion] stimulus package introduced in 2008 during the global financial crisis. But Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao defended the policy during the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin on September 11, 2012 and stressed that the government “will not hesitate to use [the 1 trillion yuan budget surplus] for the fine-tuning of the economy” in the upcoming budget year.
Usually, when the Chinese government has made the decision on a certain policy, critical opinions would be censored. Beijing-based economist Han Zhiguo urged [zh] for more time for deliberation:
Han is very critical [zh] on the stimulus package:
【 四万亿救市祸国殃民 】 ①通过释放流动性来打鸡血,导致货币泛滥成灾和严重通胀,对居民财富形成隐性掠夺。②中国失去在危机中转型的天赐良机,落后产能得到保护,重复建设遗患无穷。③房价暴涨使得整整一代人买不起房,高房价扼住了中国经济喉咙。④地方融资平台恶性膨胀,债务危机紧扣中国大门。
Blogger Wang Liangzhi explained [zh] the adverse effect of the stimulus package by focusing on the property bubbles:
Both Han and Wang's opinion echoed with other economic experts, such as Li Jing, a researcher on Chinese business, who explained the situation in China in more theoretic terms [zh]:
Whether Keynesianism [government intervention approach] is an effective economic theory is debatable. But we are sure that Keynesianism cannot work out in China.
If you find the above discussions a bit too academic, Tomorrow's Sky's blog post spells out [zh] the popular sentiment on the housing bubble more vividly:
Who gain most interest in our society? The rich and the corrupt officials. Who owns most of the housing property here? Also the rich and the corrupt officials. Who migrates out of the country? Here again, the rich and the corrupt officials. Who said that we don't have property bubbles and opposed the property tax and pre-sell policy? Of course, it is the same group of people. Why? They are the vested interest group and they don't want to harm their own interests. They have become foreigners but have taken our resources and the fruits of our economic development. They don't care about China's future, but see it as a gold mine. They will not stop until the mine has been emptied.