‘Islam is a cancer’, says United States (US) filmmaker Sam Bacile, the man responsible for sparking outrage amongst the Muslims of the Middle East. The 13 minute trailer of his movie ‘The Innocence of Muslims’ was recently released to the social networking website YouTube. The movie is said to be strongly anti-Islamic, and in his own words, Bacile said he intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion.
The movie, also dubbed in Egyptian Arabic, came under much scrutiny causing an instant backlash which lead to the deaths of the US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and his three aides. Violent protests were held outside the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt where people scaled the Embassy’s walls and tried to burn the American flag.

Egyptians demonstrate against the film ‘The Innocence of Muslims’, produced by an expatriate member of Egypt's Christian minority residing in the United States. Image by Nameer Galal. Copyright Demotix (11/9/2012)
Things took a turn for the worse when protestors in neighbouring Libya followed suit, and attacked the US Consulate. The furious mob set the embassy in Benghazi on fire. There were also reports of rocket propelled grenades being used.
The attack saw the deaths of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and his three aides due to smoke asphyxiation. People across the globe took to social media websites to voice opinions about the attacks and pay tribute to the late Ambassador. The reactions in the Pakistan Twittersphere however were mixed.
@mehreenkasana: I saw the trailer of the anti-Islam film. You'd expect someone with a budget of $5 million to come up with a film worth the rage. Nothing.
@basmasiddiqui: another movie on the Prophet the killings in #Libya should make them realise degrading a religion will lead no one no where
@Narjis_Fatema: Islam needs burning of consulates as its defense mechanism? Muslims answer Jews in their own language, act smart for once #Benghazi #Libya
@beenasarwar: Irresponsible RT @alisalmanalvi: The filmmaker Sam Bacile, who describes Islam as “a cancer”, has reportedly gone into hiding. #Egypt #Libya
@snarwani: 100s of 1,000s of Arabs & Muslims slaughtered by American troops. Tell me again why I should care about whatshisname-plus-three? #Libya
@Narjis189: Sad to hear about U.S Ambassador , Christopher Stevens death #Libya
@Manafism: What a disastrous security failure on the part of both #Libya & #USA. #usembassy

Protester Chanting anti USA slogans in front of the American Embassy protesting a minute trailer for the film, ‘The Innocence of Muslims’. Image by Rabii Kalboussi. Copyright Demotix (12/9/2012)
The US filmmaker Sam Bacile has reportedly gone into hiding from where he spoke to the media via telephone. Claiming to be an Israeli Jew, hoping to bring out the truth behind Islam, Bacile believes his movie will help his native land, Israel. Israeli officials however say they have no record of Bacile being a citizen.
While Bacile said he was apologetic over the deaths caused because of his movie, he said the security at the embassy was not enough to stand up against the radical ‘Islamists’.
After the director’s disappearance, speculations about his existence have now taken centre stage. Whether he is a real person, or a pseudo identity remains to be seen. Amidst the controversy, a man name Steven Klein has come forward, who calls himself a ‘self-described militant Christian activist’.
According to Klein, Bacile came to him for help on his movie and confided in him because of Klein’s frequent anti-Islamic protests in front of mosques and schools in California after the 9/11 attacks.
After 9/11 I went out to look for terror cells in California and found them, piece of cake. Sam (Bacile) found out about me. The Middle East Christian and Jewish communities trust me.
Klein denies that the filmmaker is an Israeli or Jewish. Pakistanis on twitter have their suspicions as well:
@fbNaqvi: uh…ohk…Muhammad Film Consultant: ‘Sam Bacile’ is Not Israeli, and Not a Real Name – Jeffrey Goldberg – The Atlantic
@GibranAshraf: Sam Bacile: The Mysterious Filmmaker Who Set the Muslim World on Fire -
@shaidavis: It occurs to me that “Sam Bacile” is likely a pseudonym — and given how close it sounds to “Imbecile” — a pretty poorly chosen one.
Prior to this incident, the movie ‘The Innocence of Muslims’ was played once in a Hollywood theatre earlier this year. The turnout was not impressive.
gulam hain gulam hain rasool kay gulam hain gulam e rasool main moot bhi qabool hay
Islam is such a religion which confirms and respects all the prophets including Jesus and Moses(Pbut) and their holy books to extreme extent, not believing Jesus or Moses or any of the prophets or the books given to them is comes under a big sin and he or she can’t be a Muslim without believing those.
It is impossible to find a true Muslim blaming Jesus or Moses(PBUT) instead the Muslim community as a whole respects those prophets much better than Christians or Jews whom deviated with different opinions.
Whoever mastered this film (innocence of Islam) it may be individual or group , It is crystal clear and 100% sure those are neither a true christian nor a true Jew, they are the followers of evil, and soon they will get paid for their act in this world and the world hereafter.
There is no any evidence so far and it is not going to be hereafter ” a creature without death” everyone have to taste the death which is what all the holy books conforming and everyone got life after death.
The grand hell fire is a great reward for the followers of evil so, Oh Masters and Supporters of the “INNOCENCE OF MUSLIM” prepare yourself for the ever extending fire bath from your and our Lord , the Lord of the both world.
May god grant power and ability in this world to his true followers to crush the followers and supporters of evils
beauiful comment.
There is no God. You die and thats it. Humans have been around for 6 million years. Religions have come and gone, as will more. Stop fighting and enjoy life, it is the only life you will get. We are not the only intelligent life in the universe. If you think that you are selfish and conceited.
Who said there is no God???And who said there is no life after death??All the muslims,christains and jews saw in there holy booh that there exist a creator of the heaven and earth and every soul shall taste death and for sure there is life after death..there is nothing like selfishness here,and ofcourse we are not the only intelligent life in the universe because there are other creatures of God that are more superior than we are.
Ok, I dare you to prove that there is no god. Look around you and you’ll find proof that there IS a god. It’s not like everything just ‘happened’, that’s such a primitive belief and shows how much you don’t want to think, at least Darwin suggested something with intensive study but it’s sadly wrong (I give him props though for his work). You are BLIND when you say there is no proof of god, what the HECK is wrong with you? So we enjoy life, drink, get girl/boyfriends, do whatever we want, and for what?! When you die, you think you’re just gonna disappear? WRONG! You have to go through life carefully so that your acts may be judged, or else you’ll have to withstand the ever-lasting heat of Allah’s Hellfire.
If you still think there’s no god, why don’t we meet up on the Day of Judgement, when you’re so afraid you’ll run away from your mother from the terror of that day, and tell me IN MY FACE and in front of ALLAH that there is no god, hmm? Hope you have a good answer! :)
There probably is no God. However by chance there is a god and its your religion’s god and not some other religion’s god is about a 1 in 7 chance. You probably die and thats it. Humans have been around for 6 million years. Religions have come and gone, as will more. Stop fighting and enjoy life, it is the only life you will get. We are not the only intelligent life in the universe. If you think that, then you are selfish and conceited. Or you have no concept on how big the universe is and how Small you are. Stop fighting, use yourbrain
I don’t believe this shit movie budget was 5 Million
Pretty hesterical that God would need men to fight His battles. Muslims show nothing more that a lack of faith. If you have to tell someone your are something, then you probably are not. People are not converted by argument, its by observation!!
Common people, I get it, freedom of speech OK cool. But where does it say that start hurting people with freedom of speech. Normally USA is supporting the idea of freedom of speech but the law is not applicable on the people who have been arrested without any charges and they are not allowing any kind of speech from those people. Also the soldiers who came back from Iraq and said that people are dying for no reason other than “Oil” why don’t we bring them and let them speak, every time when those guys are coming and speaking they are getting arrested and stuff. Stop hurting people, how about start spreading some love.