14 August 2012

Stories from 14 August 2012

Pakistan: Economics And Secularism

  14 August 2012

Ayusyha Khanna at Pak Tea House argues that if Pakistan truly wants to realize its potential as far as economic performance is concerned, then it should adopt secularism to create...

Bhutan: Women Talents Galore

  14 August 2012

Tenziniesta at Writers Association Of Bhutan Blog celebrates the recent feats of women in Bhutan. For the the first time a female Dzongda was elected and the Supreme Court of...

Pakistan: Fighting Stereotypes and Celebrating with India on Independence Day

  14 August 2012

Pakistan's mainstream and social media is usually fraught with issues ranging from terrorism and sectarianism to economic and power crisis. However, there comes a day, once every year, when even the most cynical tend to let go of their skepticism and dwell in a rather romantic notion of hope. That day is August 14, the day Pakistan got its independence from British Raj.

Tunisia: Sidi Bouzid Rises. . . Again

  14 August 2012

Sidi Bouzid, the Tunisian city which sparked the wave of Arab revolutions more than a year and a half ago, is once again simmering with a new wave of protests. Economic, social and political woes are moving the masses, who are showing increasing discontent with the current government.

Brazil: Judge Orders Halt to Belo Monte Dam

  14 August 2012

Brazilian judge Souza Prudente ordered halt to the construction of the controversial Belo Monte dam, in Altamira, state of Pará, on August 13, 2012, reports [pt] independent researcher Telma Monteiro on...

Caribbean: Regional Sports Academy?

  14 August 2012

Following the success of the Caribbean region at the London Olympics, there is now talk of “a single sports academy…located in Jamaica, and funded by all the governments and private...

Trinidad & Tobago: Flood Relief

  14 August 2012

A comprehensive post about tangible ways in which to help victims of the Trinidad floods, here, while Plain Talk questions the role of the army during the crisis.

Saudi Arabia: Defending the Virtue of Syrian Women?

  14 August 2012

On August 11, Bader Al Domiat from Saudi Arabia tweeted a message saying there were around 300 Syrian widows looking for husbands. The message caused outrage among Saudi netizens who apologized from their Syrian brothers and harshly condemned Al Domiat, who immediately suspended his account.

Puerto Rico: Jaime Espinal's Silver Medal Makes History

  14 August 2012

Puerto Rico celebrates Jaime Espinal's Olympic silver medal, the first to be won for the country in the freestyle wrestling. This is the second medal won for Puerto Rico in the London 2012 Olympics and only the second silver medal to be won in the country's history.