On Friday, July 20, 2012, the Peruvian Supreme Court announced its decision to shorten from 25 to 20 years the imprisonment sentence for top members of the Colina Group, a death squad involved in human rights violations. They were also acquitted of having committed crimes against humanity.
Javier Villa Stein, president of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, stated that the decision to remove the verdict of crimes against humanity was based [es] on the fact that the accused “did not perpetrate their crimes in the form of a widespread attack as established in the Statute of Rome, in force in Peru since 2003″. However, this was immediately met by a series of reactions, mainly against the decision.
For example, Avelino Guillén, former prosecutor in the case against former President Alberto Fujimori, declared [es] his outrage for the ruling, whilst the Justice Minister called [es] the decision “a shame”. The lawyer Gloria Cano of Aprodeh, a pro-human rights charity, declared [es] she was unhappy and disgruntled at the ruling. And Gisela Ortiz, representative of the victims of the La Cantuta operation stated [es] that the ruling was an insult to the victims’ memory.
President Ollanta Humala rejected [es] the decision and assured citizens that it would be appealed. The Supreme Court's decision has caused concern over the precedent it could set for the proceedings of former President Alberto Fujimori, who is serving a sentence precisely for crimes against humanity. According to [es] Carlos Rivera, lawyer for the Institute of Legal Defence (IDL), the ruling [es] “opens a political path to provide any sorts of benefits”.
The local twittosphere saw reactions mainly of surprise and indignation, such as the psychologist Jorge Bruce (@jotabruce) [es], who states:
@jotabruce: Una colina de vergüenza e impunidad. Nunca hay que bajar la guardia.
The journalist Zarella Sierra (@ZarellaSierra) [es] shares links to the ruling:
@ZarellaSierra: Aquí sentencia que favorece al Grupo Colina ow.ly/copP3 / ow.ly/copPX / ow.ly/copQu #DDHH
While Twitter user @primerafuente [es] declares:
@primerafuente: Los Terroristas de SL y los Asesinos de Colina. No los queremos libres. Ni los Colina, ni los SL, libres. Todos adentro para siempre.
And the user Paco Yonki (@pacoyonqui) [es] also showed his surprise:
@pacoyonqui: Aguanta, leo y no lo creo… Días después de conmemorarse 20 años de La Cantuta, soltarán a los “Colina”?
The magazine Número Zero (@numerozero) [es] shares the opinion of human rights activist Rocio Silva S.:
@numerozero: @pavese sobre fallo a Colina: Estoy indignada. Contradice sentencia a Fujimori por tema de autoría mediata yfrog.com/oe7sljgwj
Among the first bloggers to comment on the Supreme Court's decision were the writers of ¿Estamos jodidos? (“Are we done for?”), who declare [es]:
La reducción de la pena de 25 a 20 años de los miembros del grupo Colina, grupo paramilitar del gobierno de Fujimori y del que por todos es sabido cometieron crímenes aberrantes, es un hecho no sólo indignante, es hundir al país en el fondo de la más oscura ignominia pues la traducción de esto es que en el Perú la corrupción, el crimen y la impunidad son más valiosos que la vida humana y la democracia.
The blog Salvaje Digital writes sarcastically [es]:
El Grupo Colina ya sabe a quién saludará el próximo año en el Día del Amigo. Y el de la DIROES, Alberto Fujimori, ya sabe que tiene asegurada la carne chamuscada para celebrar su cumpleaños. […] Definitivamente estas Fiestas Patrias no se tiñen de rojo y blanco. Solo de rojo sangre. Y de olor a kerosene
And in the blog Pensamiento y Productos, Saúl Mandujano speaks [es] about the role and example of the Judicial Power in the country:
El mensaje de Villa Stein es más claro que el agua. Puedes asesinar a cualesquier ciudadano peruano y te reducirán las penas siempre que lo hayas hecho a favor del estado reaccionario, caduco, pervertido y degenerado, haciendo ver a los actos de “justicia” como simples leguleyadas similares a los relacionados a robos comunes y corrientes.
There are already Facebook events against the ruling. “Vigil – No to impunity – Colina Group no more!!!” [es], organised by Movimiento Peru Diverso [es] and others, is one of them. This vigil was scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 21 from 6pm in the centre of Lima (Plaza Francia). Another event is “Sit-in against freedom of the Colina members” [es], organised by Basta De Impunidad Cci [es], this event will take place on Monday, July 23 at 6.30pm in front of the Palace of Justice.
For more reactions visit this Storify by Gerardo Cárdenas: “Sentence reduced for Colina Group, crimes against humanity verdict removed” [es].