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Egypt: No to a Military Funeral for Omar Sulieman

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Egypt, Breaking News, Citizen Media, Health, Politics

Hosni Mubarak's vice president and Egypt's former head of intelligence Omar Suleiman is dead. News of his death [1] has triggered a storm of reactions on social media networks.

The man, who ran for Egypt's presidential elections but was disqualified for failing to secure enough signatures for his candidacy, has reportedly died in Cleveland, US, while undergoing medical examination.

On Twitter, netizens from around the Arab world, couldn't find much good to say to lament his loss.

Samar Dahmash Jarrah tweets [ar]:

لو يدري الناس كم ساهم عمر سليمان في بيع مصر لاسرائيل وقتل وتجويع اهل غزة وتشويه صورة الاسلام والمسلمين في الغرب
@ArabVoicesSpeak [2]: If only people knew how involved Omar Suleiman was in selling Egypt to Israel and the killing and starvation of the people of Gaza and distorting the image of Islam and Muslims in the West.

Deena Adel notes:

: Omar Suleiman was responsible for countless torture cases & human rights abuses. I have no sympathy for his death, but I won't gloat either.

Sara Salem compares Suleiman with ordinary Egyptians:

@SaraMSalem [3]: Omar Suleiman died while having medical tests in Cleveland. Most Egyptians can't afford to go to a crappy Egyptian public hospital.

Meanwhile, Medhat Rali wonders [ar]:

تخيل لو كان عمر سليمان كسب فى انتخابات الرئاسه و بقى رئيس كان هايموت بعدها بشهر


@medhatrali [4]: Imagine if Omar Sulieman had won the presidential elections and became a president, and died a month later

Veteran Egyptian blogger Wael Abbas started a hash tag [5] #لا_لجنازة_عسكرية_لعمر_سليمان‬‏ on Twitter in Arabic which translates to No Military Funeral for Omar Sulieman.

Feedo Ahmed reacts:

#لا_لجنازة_عسكرية_لعمر_سليمان‬‏ لو عملوها نجيب رقصات من شارع الهرم وشوية طبل علي كام واحد من فرقة حسب الله ونزيط بقي في الجنازة

: If they did it and held a military funeral, we will bring belly dancers and drummers and ruin the funeral for them

Ramy Bakazaboka adds:

ملهاش لازمة سيبوهم يعملوها هيحضر السفاحين صحابه و يتحسرو على قائد الفترة الانتقامية ‎‫#لا_لجنازة_عسكرية_لعمر_سليمان‬‏

@ramy_bakazaboka [6]: There is no point in this. Let them have their funeral which will be attended by his friends the butchers who will lament the loss of the leader of the revenge period

And Ahmed Sabry concludes:

انا رايي يدفن كتيمي من غير جنازه اساسا ويا ريت ف مكان مجهول
@A_M_Sabry [7]: My opinion is that he is buried quietly without a funeral and preferably in an undisclosed location too