Three former Mau Mau freedom fighters have taken the British government to the High Court in London demanding an apology and damages for brutality they suffered during the British colonial rule in Kenya.
Mau Mau was an anti-colonial group under Dedan Kimathi, which was involved in a military struggle against the British between 1952 and 1960.
Tweets about the case are pouring in under the hashtag #MauMau:
@hellenotii: Follow tag #MauMau for day 2 trial updates. 3 Kenyan claimants (1 died) allege #humanrights abuses by British soldiers. #ajstream #kenya
@CapitalFM_kenya: #Raila says govt to finance the #MauMau veterans case against UK. Hearing of the case starts Monday at the Royal Courts of Justice in London
@rowenanews: Bravo the Kenyans forcing UK to face their colonial crimes #maumau–the-elderly-kenyans-asking-for-justice-at-last-7946671.html
@fatimamanji: So fascinating to watch how the #MauMau case is covered in the British press and the comments generated because of it.
@LindseyAGerman: Solidarity with #MauMau Kenyans seeking justice at High Ct for atrocities committed by British in 50s. Hope they win after all these years
@JeromeTaylor from the Independent newspaper tweets live from the courtroom:
@JeromeTaylor: Kenyans are keeping a close eye on the Mau Mau case. Britain often lectures Africa on human rights whilst ignoring its own past excesses
@JeromeTaylor: Colonial administrator Mr Whitehouse ordered inmates of Lodwar prison camp to call him “The God of Lodwar” according to Mr Nyingi #MauMau
@JeromeTaylor: Mr Nyingi says #MauMau treated “even worse” after independence. “We were still imprisoned…we were never allowed to talk freey”
@JeromeTaylor: Mr Nyingi was arrested Dec '52 & held for 9 yrs. He was “beaten by African home guard and European soldiers” #MauMau
@JeromeTaylor: In his witness statement Mr Nzili says he was castrated at Embakasi detention centre. Says he saw others also castrated. #MauMau
@JeromeTaylor: According to her witness statement Jane Muthoni Mara was severely sexually assaulted at the Gatithi Screening Centre #MauMau
@JeromeTaylor: Colonial administrator Mr Whitehouse ordered inmates of Lodwar prison camp to call him “The God of Lodwar” according to Mr Nyingi #MauMau
@TandemLaw live tweets:
@TandemLaw: Court adjourned for lunch. Back at 14.00 GMT. #HumanRights #Kenya Follow LIVE tweets from the High Court on the #MauMau case
@TandemLaw: GM – UK Government does not dispute each of the claimants suffered torture & ill treatment under colonial administration. #MauMau #Kenya
@TandemLaw: So far Guy Mansfield for the defendant made it clear that injuries are not in dispute and has not questioned any claimant on them.
Follow live Twitter updates using the hashtag #MauMau.