Stories from 27 May 2012
Tajikistan: Can Drug Money Be Used to Build Mosques?
Islamic authorities in Tajikistan are unanimous in condemning the use and sale of drugs, writes [tj] journalist Kayumars Ato in his blog. At the same time, some religious leaders argue...
Somaliland: Sectors for Potential Investment
John identifies sectors in Somaliland that are attractive for potential investment: “Although not blessed with mineral wealth, arable land, or a large population, Somaliland does have a few sectors that...
Tajikistan: Persons with Disabilities as “Unwanted” People
In an interview on Mahbub-TJ blog, Ibrohimi Ismoilzod, Tajikistan’s most successful blind singer claims [tj] that persons with disabilities are often treated as “unwanted” people in the country.
Eritrea: Visit Eritrea Blog
Learn about Eritrea from Visit Eritrea blog: “The Visit Eritrea blog is designed to provide readers with a regular update on issues relevant to Eritrea.”
Egypt: The Resurrection of Ahmed Shafiq
The initial results of the first stage of the Egyptian presidential election indicate that Mohamed Morsi and Ahmed Shafiq will take part in the runoff vote. There has been widespread shock at the reemergence of Shafiq, one of the “feloul”, or “remnants” of Mubarak's regime.
Mozambique: Music clips with a regional perspective
Youtube user Niassatim uploaded a series of music clips by artists from the northern interior of Mozambique, in the Yao language, also spoken in Malawi and Tanzania. The videos depict a mixture...
Iran: Deprivation of Medical Care Jeopardizes Blogger’s Life
Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, Iranian blogger, is in dire condition serving 15-year prison term. Father says months-long torture caused kidney failure.