Stories from 26 May 2012
Russia: Alexander Semin – Insight into NHL/Post-Soviet Relations
Euphoria spread across the nation on May 20, when Russia defeated Slovakia 6-2 in the Gold Medal match of the 2012 World Hockey Championship. The tournament provides insight into the modern interrelationship between NHL and post-Soviet Russia. Additionally, Alexander Semin provides an example of an instance where these two cultures diverge.
Slovakia: “God Can Cure You”
On May 26, approximately 50-60 opponents of the upcoming Gay Pride gathered [sk] in Bratislava for a rally organized by the Association for Protection of Family, together with the Citizens’...
Bulgaria: President's Gift to Pope Provokes Questions
Bulgarian netizens are discussing their President's gift to the Pope: a gilded egg that seems "bigger than the President and the Pope combined." Ruslan Trad translates some of the jokes and conversations.
Cuba: The State of Human Rights
The recent request for information by the United Nations‘ Committee Against Torture with regard to alleged abuses in Cuba has got bloggers talking about the human rights situation on the island.
Africa: Hands Off Africa Event in London
Hands Off Somalia blog announces hand Hands off Africa! meeting: “Join us at 2pm on Saturday 16 June at the Horn of Africa Community Group centre to listen to speakers...
Africa: Kwani? Manuscript Project Announces Literary Prize
“To celebrate the African novel and its adaptability and resilience, Kwani Trust announces a one-off new literary prize for African writing. The Kwani? Manuscript Project calls for the submission of...
Syria: UN Report Shows Powerlessness of Observer Mission
As the situation in Syria worsens, and more terrifying reports arrive from the Homs district of Houla, Foreign Policy-hosted blog Turtle Bay summarizes a report [PDF] from UN Secretary-General Ban...
Egypt: No, the Revolution is Not Over
On May 23 and 24, the eyes of the whole world were once again on Egypt as the country held its first presidential election after the huge popular uprising that brought down Hosni Mubarak a year and a half ago.
DR of Congo: General Ntaganda Back on the War Path?
Bosco Ntaganda, a former chief of the Congolese rebellion is back on the war path, concerned that the ICC warrant against him for war crimes is now supported by the government. Another rebel, Thomas Lubanga, was recently found guilty of similar crimes.
Brazil: TV Humiliation of Young Man Opens Media Regulation Debate
At the beginning of May, a televised interview of a young man who was accused by the reporter of trying to rape a woman ignited debate over the necessity of regulating the great Brazilian media and of imposing limits on the custom of stereotyping minorities and vulnerable people.
Azerbaijan: Rewriting The Geopolitical Narrative
Following concern expressed in some quarters with how the international media has covered the Eurovision Song Contest in Baku, East of Center looks at the geopolitical issues behind Western engagement...
Tunisia: First Local Open Data Website Launched
Local open governance activists in Tunisia have launched the first open data website showing the municipal budget [ar, fr] of the city of Sayada for the current fiscal year. The...
Zimbabwe: On “Look East Policy”
Rumbdidzai Dube discusses “Look East Policy” in Zimbabwe: “I am told the “Look-East Policy” is a lucrative alternative to the West, it is supposed to be about fighting neo-colonialism and...
Africa: Music From Saharan Cellphones
Chris Kirkley presents “Music From Saharan Cellphones”: The music on the compilation was collected from cellphones in the Northern Malian town of Kidal. In much of West Africa, cellphones are...
Cameroon: Announcing Cameroon Startup Challenge
VC4Africa announces Cameroon Startup Challenge: The competition offers a cash prize of USD $5,000 for the most innovative web, mobile or hardware-based business venture in Cameroon.”