21 May 2012

Stories from 21 May 2012

Germany: #Blockupy Protests Against Pan-European Austerity

  21 May 2012

'Blockupy' protests against the austerity measures being implemented in the Eurozone shook the financial epicenter of Europe - Frankfurt - last week. Online social networks buzzed with citizen reports on the mobilizations that occurred under massive police presence and repression.

Brazil: Famous Singer Pays Homage to Her Iconic Mother

  21 May 2012

The singer Maria Rita toured Brazil with a series of free concerts in homage to her late mother Elis Regina, one of the most iconic performers of Brazilian music. The subject became a worldwide trending topic on Twitter, as fans of both singers flooded social media with their impressions of the shows.

Guadeloupe: “Political Manipulation”

  21 May 2012

In a post entitled “On Kalkil Politik” [Cr], Guadeloupean blogger Gwakafwika explains his complete distrust in the recent appointment of 1 Guianese and 2 Guadeloupean-born Ministers in the new socialist...

Haiti: Haitian Flag Day

  21 May 2012

Haitians all over the world recently celebrated the 209th Haitian Flag Day along with the country's educational system. Martinican blogger at Bel Balawou publishes a stream of pictures [Fr], taken...

Cuba: Fifth Cuban Congress against Homophobia

  21 May 2012

Blogger, journalist and LGBT activist Francisco Rodríguez Cruz (Paquito el de Cuba) discusses Mariela Castro Espín's [es] message on occasion of the 5th Cuban Congress against Homophobia recently celebrated on the...

Dominican Republic: Juan Bosch and the Elections

  21 May 2012

Journalist Nelson del Castillo analyzes the political significance of Juan Bosch [es] -the Dominican politician, writer, essayist, historian and educator- on occasion of the national presidential elections held yesterday, May 20,...

Germany: “Rundshow” A New Social TV Format

  21 May 2012

The Bavarian broadcasting company, Bayerischer Rundfunk, in Germany recently launched a social TV experiment called “Rundshow” [de] (Roundshow). Viewers are actively incorporated into the show through virtual means such as...

Brazil: A Comic Book and its Soundtrack

  21 May 2012

Brazilian blogger Francielle Costa reviews [pt] Achados e Perdidos (Lost and Found), a comic book in which each chapter counts on an original soundtrack produced especially for the story. The...