In a recent article on Global Voices, we introduced a Palestinian initiative called “Diwan Ghazza”, a cultural platform that aims to raise awareness and empower Palestinian youth. As Yasmeen El Khoudary, fellow Global Voices author and co-founder of the initiative, explained:
We seek to show the world a better image of Gaza (an image that exists, but has been ignored for so long), by empowerment through knowledge and by providing a venue for youth to speak out about Gaza's forgotten face.
On April 15, Diwan Ghazza announced a competition that is open to Palestinian bloggers everywhere. The idea is to collect the 100 best Palestinian blog posts, and then to publish them in a book, in Arabic and English if possible, later this year.
This contest was inspired by a recent initiative called the “100 Posts” book project [ar], by a group of Egyptian bloggers. That project resulted in a book called “The Alphabet of Spontaneous Creativity” [ar], which contained 100 posts written by Arab bloggers from five different countries (including seven Palestinian bloggers, one of them me). The paper version of the book was launched at the Cairo International Book Fair in February 2012.
The following are the rules [ar] for “100 Palestinian Blog Posts”:
1 – Each blogger is asked to nominate one blog entry only, previously published on his/her own blog.
2 – Entries will be accepted in Arabic or English.
3 – Entries can be in one or more of the following categories: literature, poetry, society, politics, fiction, and thoughts.
4 – Entries should have been written during 2011 and 2012.
5 – Entries should not have been formally published in any paper or electronic form (such as journals, books or magazines).
6 – Entries should not contain insults, racist or anti-religious content, or politically sensitive subjects.
The contest is open to any Palestinian blogger, regardless of his or her country of residence. Entries will be evaluated by a jury of Arab and Palestinian authors, in addition to an online voting process.
Those interested in participating should fill out the form here [ar].
For further information, see the official event page on Facebook [ar], or contact
This is some sort one of a kind competition :)