More than a dozen Finless Porpoise corpses have been found in Dongting Lake in Hubei and Hunan provinces since March 2012. Chinese micro-bloggers are keeping each other updated on the situation while trying to determine the reasons for the deaths of this endangered species, as the government is yet to confirm the death toll and put forward a rescue plan.
The Finless Porpoise is one of the most endangered species in China. Information spreading online said [zh] that there are fewer than 84 remaining in Dongting Lake. The large scale death of this endangered species should be national news, yet the state controlled media outlets have been downplaying this news and as yet no government authority is actively responding to the problem.
Magazine reporter Yang Jiang has been a consistent source of information regarding this issue, reporting [zh] in microblogging website Sina Weibo:
Blogger Yongaiqiqi has gathered information from various sources, including newspapers and online reports, and found that there were more than thirteen reports on the discovery of Finless Porpoise bodies in 2012 and that only one report came from state controlled media [zh].
Blogger “Subject of the Empire” examined [zh] the problem in detail and found that aside from the underlying ecological reasons, the Finless Porpoise might have been poisoned by snail fever prevention treatment:
Regarding the death toll of the Finless Porpoise, in 2008, 2009 and 2010, there were 20, 19 and 12 deaths respectively. In three consecutive years, the death tolls were in double figures. We have to be aware of the fact that the total number of Finless Porpoises in China is less than the number of pandas. This death rate is already too high and too dangerous. In 2011, the recorded death toll reached 20. In 2012, in Dongting alone and in less than 40 days, 12 corpses have been found, with this figure only including those corpses discovered by fishermen. Since Finless Porpoises live together in family groups, the situation is probably even more serious.According to the Finless Porpoise expert Wang Ding from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the death toll may have reached 30. This is an alarming figure that the government and research organizations must pay attention to.
我注意到今天的湖南经视新闻在报导本次江豚密集死亡事件的新闻中,采访了岳阳渔政部门的相关领导,他以自己的经验猜测可能是由于近期岳阳县出于血防需要在洞庭湖区投放杀钉螺药剂有关,可能是江豚误食了被灭螺毒死的鱼有关,我认为这当然是最直接的原因之一,但我就纳闷了,这种后果其实并非今天才出现,而是早就发生过,为什么就没有引起相关部门重视并在工作上加以改进呢?我查了一下资料, 洞庭湖江豚多年来饱尝命丧之虞就有类似直接的人为原因,2004年,岳阳为迎接全国血吸虫病防治工作会议的召开,在洞庭湖区投放了约5000吨杀钉螺药剂,曾酿下一个月内毒死6头江豚的惨剧。
This post was sub-edited by Jane Ellis.