During her visit to Cuba this week, for a meeting of the Union of Communist Youth, Chilean Student Federation leader Camila Vallejo declined an invitation to meet with acclaimed Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez. Vallejo generated much controversy on Twitter when she told CNN that she saw this as neither “necessary nor relevant” to her trip to the island.
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Hello, The students of Chile who actually protest on the streets strongly oppose Huffington Post allowing this Fraudulent women to keep using her smile to gain attention for herself first, and then for the Communist agenda. she uses the “Right to free education” as a media strategy to gain sympathy and support when the fact is Vallejo is by all accounts very well off at the age of 24 yet still lives with her parents and does not understand the reality of Chilean life. It is a cold hard FACT that Camila Vallejo (Dowling) did not even win the majority vote initially for FECH and has since only used her smile and photo ops to promote the Communist agenda. Chilean students do not support her because of this but mostly because she does not protest!! She does not protest in the street but merely smiles for the camera and takes credit for the real organizers of the demonstrations. There are numerous Rip Off Reports about Camila Vallejo is 24 years old and was a geography student who has not even lived on her own, she is rich and she is a Fraud. But I guess the Huffington Post enjoys the controversy of Fraud and sensationalism of your country media. Do the fact checking, Vallejo did not win the majority vote to begin with for FECH. It is grossly unfair to the real protesters who work hard and Vallejo continues to assert herself in any public media campaign there is when how can she speak for us the real students??? She has no concept about real life, she is well into adult hood and still lives with her rich parents. Her agenda is Communist, the end. If you examine the JJC Communist website – you can see they try to recruit “young” generation so as to create a whole new and fresh FACE of Communism. But we know, american media is not interested in the facts. Good day.
Camila Vallejo Camila Vallejo Dowling FRAUDE, manipulador, hipócrita FALSO Santiago,
These are only a couple of the Facebook pages representing so far about 14,000 Chilean students against Camila Vallejo and there are many more thousands against Camila the Fraud.
Camila Vallejos Sin Partidos Algarete (Versión Hermafrodita Libertaria Tropikal)
Camila Vallejo no representa a la Juventud Chilena