From October 19 to 23, 2011, two thousand “campuseros” (bloggers, developers, and other technology enthusiasts) gathered in the Ecuadorian capital to participate in Campus Party Quito [es]: “the world's largest technology, leisure and digital culture event”. Global Voices was present during the event in order to give a brief presentation [es] of our activities in the BarCamp of the Campus Party, as well as to establish good connections with members of the Ecuadorian blogosphere.
The following interviews with outstanding Ecuadorian bloggers and twitterers were recorded during the event and they try to describe the wealth and variety of ways in which Ecuadorians use the Internet and social media.
Fiorella Álvarez is @FioreAlvarez on Twitter and she has two blogs: Bitácora de Fiore Álvarez [es] (Fiore Álvarez´log), a personal blog, and Ciencias Sociales en breve [es] (Social Science in brief) where she writes about issues regarding her studies.
Roberto Esteves writes about computers, social networks and other related issues in his blog Roberto Esteves – Blog [es], and he also collaborates in the collective music blog The Wildchildren [es]. On Twitter he is @restevesd.
Andrea Rodríguez, who turned out to be a gamer, is an active participant and administrator of Ecuagamers [es], the web site and forum of the Ecuadorian gaming community. She also blogs, although not very frequently, on her personal blog El Blog de Yunie [es] (Yunie´s blog). On Twitter her nickname is @yunie5.
Pablo Garzón, better known as @pgarzon on Twitter, is a lawyer and a very active user of this social media site trying to take advantage of the possibilities to interact and create discussions with his followers, especially regarding politics and current events in Ecuador.
Galo Pérez writes about the city of Quito, its peculiarities and anecdotes, in his blog Quito Escondido [es] (Hidden Quito). You can follow the blog on Twitter: @QuitoEscondido. You can also follow Galo at @galoperezc.
Adriana Albán presented [es] about Internet users rights at the Barcamp of the Campus Party. In her blog El Blog de Adriemilia [es], she normally touches upon issues related to the Internet. Her nickname on Twitter is @adriemilia.
Finally, Efrén Guerrero has two blogs; a personal one, Aura Neurótica [es] (Neurotic Aura), and Fundamentos de las Ciencias Sociales [es] (Foundation of the Social Science), which corresponds with the courses he teaches at university. On Twitter you can follow him through @auraneurotica.
You can find more Ecuadorian Twitter users on this Twitter list; as well as a photo sequence made by Carlos Correa showing Twitter users with their corresponding @.
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