The latest round of tainted milk scandals broke out last week in China. The country's biggest dairy producer, Mengniu Dairy Co., admitted that some of its milk products contained aflatoxin – a cancer-causing substance. To express their anger, Chinese info-activists hacked Mengniu's official website last night (December 28, 2011).
Below is the message posted by Simple International Infosec Team and Simple Safety Team at Mengniu:
Once upon a time, Mengniu had strengthened Chinese people and we were proud of this Chinese company. Now it buries itself.
Are you cheating your dad and dad and dad? One liter per day and many Chinese people are killed.
This is your principle? How many catastrophes have you caused? How many Chinese people have you harmed?
We are one family and you are hurting your family members.
Do you have a conscience? Today the raw material is below standard, tomorrow it is cancer causing, you may as well put in poison directly to the milk the day after.
This is what you Mengniu have benefited the world?
Won't you be apologetic to your milk cow? Problem with the feed, what an excuse.
Hoh hoh
This is Mengniu Dairy Company.
As a Chinese, you should wake up. And our task, the task of millions of netizens is to wake you up, wake China up.
This is the shame of our nation.
Wang yangxin changed a Mengnui advertisement to express his anger. It said: one liter milk per day get Chinese people killed.
Back in 2008, at least six children died and nearly 300,000 suffered from kidney diseases because of melamine tainted milk produced by major dairy companies in China, including Mengniu. This time, although there are no victims identified, netizens are outraged by Mengniu's irresponsible comments on the incident. Mengniu's spokesperson's response on TV has been screen captured and circulated around the Internet (via Family Magazine at Weibo):
【蒙牛:我们控制不了奶农用霉变饲料,就像国家控制不了杀人】蒙牛乳业发言人副总裁卢建军表示:毒牛奶原因是奶农所用饲料霉变 但乳企对奶农用的饲料不能控制。就像国家立法说不许杀人 但有人就是要杀人 那你怎么办?没有一家厂家的饲料是不霉变的,这只是个案,好比你家里馒头会发霉。
There are more than 1,400 angry comments in the discussion thread, below is a selected translation of some:
狼剑士: 总裁你蒙牛喝多了,喝脑残了吧?
迎风破浪花:What an education! It is all our own fault, we have failed to monitor the farmer's feed just like we have failed to stop murder from happening. Nothing to do with Mengniu. In the future, drink your own milk, I won't have you anymore. Fxxk off.
剑客800:Our country sentences murderers to death. Now that Mengniu kills people with their cancer-causing substance, it should have a death sentence, right?
一苇渡江的微博:We can stop Mengniu from being shameless. But we have control over our own mouths.
While assuring to overseas media in a press conference, that its export products have better quality Mengniu has stirred up nationalistic sentiment. Tiny Song interpretes the news statement in her Weibo:
Famous blogger WuYueSanRen also picks up the nationalistic sentiment and tries to inject new meaning into it:
A light-hearted micro-story around the Mengniu scandal has been widely circulated online (via syclops)
太狠啦!刚在公司电梯里听到三个人在聊……甲:办公室还有两箱蒙牛,怎么处理呢? 乙:粉碎掉,不能扔了,那是害了流浪的人。丙:送领导,领导看人民日报,不会知道这事的……
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