World: “Faithbook”, a Project Against Religious Intolerance

Two young “faith-trotters” Anne-Laure and Frederic launched  “faithbook” [fr],  a project that will take them across the world to meet  similar pro-peace initiatives. They look to start a dialogue between people of faith who believe in peaceful coexistence through initiatives in various domains such as sports, education, culture and environment. They will shortly travel  to Algeria after a trip in Tunisia.


1 comment

  • J. David Lankutis


    How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Will God hear the prayers of those who bow towards Mecca and refer to Him (or Her) as Allah? Does God care whether the Catholics conduct their celebration of Mass in Latin or in English?

    God is so very open minded. God respects us as individuals. All God wants is for each of us to fulfill our destiny and to learn how to love, unconditionally. God (a.k.a. Brahman) asked Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha, among others, to share that simple message with us. Why do we insist on making the message more complicated than it was meant to be? Why do we threaten with eternal damnation those who choose to follow a different path towards that destiny?

    The Baptists are arguing over minute details of how to interpret the Bible. The Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims have differing interpretations of the Koran. Those who follow Buddha’s philosophy have split into several factions, each is putting different words into the Buddha’s mouth.

    God (a.k.a. The Perfect Lover) sits atop the tallest mountain. Having started at the mountain’s base, each of our souls feels the call to reach the top. Others may join us on our path, or we may walk alone for a large part of our spiritual climb.

    Where will we find our spiritual path? Will it be in a cathedral after receiving Christ’s body in the Eucharist or while smoking the sacred pipe in a Lakota lodge during a Lowanpi ceremony? Will we be meditating in the Lotus position or on our knees with eyes uplifted? Will it be in a confessional with the parish priest or sharing troubles and challenges with a close friend in a nearly deserted all night diner?

    It does not matter, as long as it takes us further up the Creator’s spiritual mountain. Unconditional loving means giving without any concern about what we may get in return. If God is the most accomplished lover there is, then God would be the LAST one to say “Worship me, or else!!”

    There is enough room on the head of that pin for all that have mastered unconditional loving to dance with the angels. We will be doing the Christian two step, the Buddhist boogie and the Jewish waltz.

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