4 October 2011

Stories from 4 October 2011

China: The Cost of Space Ambition

  4 October 2011

China's launch of an unmanned space station last week, says the editor of a Tokyo-based newspaper for Chinese expats, has given Japan reason to step up its contribution to the universal endeavor of space exploration - if it can afford it.

Colombia: El Puente_lab Making a Difference in Moravia, Medellin

  4 October 2011

In Medellín, Colombia, the project Hiperbarrio (Rising Voices project) is being developed along with other interesting projects that attempt to improve social inclusion and citizen media training. One project we highlight in this article is the El Puente_lab, a production platform for art and culture.

Arab Bloggers Meet in Tunis

  4 October 2011

On Monday in Tunis, the 3rd Arab Bloggers Meeting kicked off with a day-long public conference. The meeting is co-hosted by Global Voices, Nawaat and Heinrich Böll Foundation and is attended by around 100 bloggers from nearly all Arab countries.

Curacao: Remembering Our Heroes

  4 October 2011

TRIUNFO DI SABLIKA remembers the day in 1795 when “Tula and the rest of our liberation warriors [were] executed after they revolted against the Dutch slavery system”, saying: “One of...

Jamaica: On Golding's Resignation

  4 October 2011

Jamaica Woman Tongue weighs in on the possible reason's behind the Prime Minister's resignation, while Girl With a Purpose is concerned that while Golding “has set the stage for Jamaica...

Bermuda: Back & Forth Over Retail Measures

  4 October 2011

“The 40% hike in airport duty (combined with a steep reduction in allowances) has people freaked”, says Vexed Bermoothes, adding: “Is the Government so broke that it needs to restrict...