26 September 2011

Stories from 26 September 2011

India: To Be Poor In India

  26 September 2011

Project Why exposes that there is a serious flaw in determining who is poor in India and who will get social welfare benefit from the government. The blogger asks: “what...

Bolivia: Police Repression of Indigenous Marchers in Yucumo

  26 September 2011

The Bolivian indigenous march against a planned highway reached a standstill with the blockade of pro-government groups in the town of Yucumo. On September 25, uniformed police officers launched tear gas at men, women and children, causing diverse nationwide reactions.

Brazil: The Real Value of Half Price Tickets

  26 September 2011

Even though there is a federal law in Brazil for half price tickets to cultural shows - as the greatest portion of the public can only afford half of the total value - the events charge even higher amounts. Fernando Sapelli explains why.

Ecuador: Digital Illiteracy Rate in Loja

  26 September 2011

Voces Lojanas [es] shares important data about Loja from the VII Population Census and the VI Housing Census. The census reveals that in Loja digital illiteracy is at 29%, but cell phone use is...

Cuba: “Damas” Targeted Again

  26 September 2011

The Ladies in White were once more targeted this weekend for their “planned march to a church to honor Our Lady of Charity on her feast day” – bloggers have...

Jamaica: Gratitude to Garvey

  26 September 2011

In his ongoing effort to petition President Obama to exonerate Marcus Garvey, Geoffrey Philp says: “Marcus Garvey's cause was justice, plain and simple. And it is ironic that unjust methods...

Zambia: We Need to Watch Zambia

  26 September 2011

Ethan explains why the world need to watch Zambia: “There’s a danger that we miss a major story here: democracy is taking root in Africa and spreading rapidly. Nations like...