Chile: #Paronacional (National Strike) vs. #Yonoparo (I Don't Strike)

The Workers’ United Center (CUT) called for a national strike for the 24 and 25 of August, 2011, as a form of protest against social and economic inequality in Chile, with the following petition list [es]:

  1. For a tax reform. We demand companies and the rich to pay higher taxes.
  2. Change in the pension system. We ask for the State to have a bigger role in the pension system and for firms to compulsory contribute to their employees’ fund.
  3. Improvement of health care for all Chileans. We ask for a shift of the current health care insurance system.
  4. New education rules. We support the students’ demands: end of profit in education and access warranted for everyone.
  5. New Labor Code. We demand a new code that warrants union freedom, right to strike, among other reforms.
  6. New Constitution.

Former student leader, socialist politician and blogger Daniel Manoucheri (@dmanoucheri) [es] summarizes:

Lo q la gente hoy clama no son meras reformas legales. Es más profundo. Hay un sentimiento nacional contra el modelo impuesto en dictadura

What people are crying for today are not only legal reforms. It goes deeper than that. There's a national feeling against the model imposed during the dictatorship.

Up until now, it is uncertain whether or not the call was successful, but at least on Twitter reactions of users for and against this type of protest have been echoed making the hashtags #paronacional (national strike) and #yonoparo (I don't strike) national trending topics.

Those in favor speak using the hashtag #paronacional (national strike):

Picture by Flickr user alpuerto under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Picture by Flickr user alpuerto under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Actress Ana María Gazmuri (@AnaMariaGazmuri) [es] enthusiastically announces:

Paro Nacional en paz!!! Con la fuerza de la razón,las manos limpias y a cara descubierta caminemos hacia un Chile para todos !!!

National Strike in peace!!! With the strength of reason, clean hands and faces uncovered let's walk towards a better Chile for all !!!

Maximiliano Villar (@maxialejandro) [es] encourages his followers:

Apoyemos el #paronacional… En tarde #cacerolazo

Let's support the #paronacional (national strike)…And later #cacerolazo (pot banging)

Student Carolina Valenzuela (@CaroValenzuelaR) [es] comments:

Manifestaciones en varios puntos de la capital, gran parte de mi país movilizandose <3! #PARONACIONAL. Es hora de alzar la voz!!

Protests in various parts of the capital city, a big part of my country is taking action <3! #PARONACIONAL (National Strike). It's time to raise our voice!!

Pero Pato Inostroza (@chkpato) [es] warns:

la concentracion de poderes se ve tb en las pegas: si no para la mineria y el transporte, el #paronacional no sirve para nada.

the centralization of power is also seen at work: if the mining industry and transportation don't go to strike, the #paronacional (national strike) is worth nothing.

Meanwhile, those against the strike used the hashtag #yonoparo (I don't strike):

The Twitter account of ‘Derecha Tuitera’ (Tweeting Right) [es] (@DerechaTuitera) greets its followers:


GOOD MORNING TO ALL CHILEANS WHO ARE WORKING!!! Chile is built NOT destroyed!! #YONOPARO (I don't strike)

Jacinto Gorosabel (@JGorosabel) [es] points out:

Esto no es un paro, es un boicot contra la gente de trabajo, por eso #yonoparo

This is not a strike, it's a boycott against working people, that's why #yonoparo (I don't strike)

Pablo Witto (@theDagger_) [es] clarifies:

Aunque no voté por Piñera, estoy a favor de respetar a un gobierno elegido democráticamente. Respeto al país. #YONOPARO

Eventhough I didn't vote for Piñera, I'm in favor of respecting a government democratically elected. I respect my country. #YONOPARO (I don't strike)

Also, entrepreneur Rodrigo Reyes G. (@pajaritus) [es] explains:

#yonoparo pq la mejor forma de argumentar un cambio es proponiendo ideas e innovando en tu trabajo….

#yonoparo (I don't strike) because the best way to argue for change is proposing ideas and innovating in your job….

While there are still a lot of tweets being sent both in favor and against, news outlets [es] reporting on the protests, arrests and incidents, professor and Twitter user Inútilsubversivo (@inutilsubersivo) [es] sums everything with humor:

Unos estamos en paro, otros fueron a trabajar pero han estado puro twiteando, OSEA ESTAMOS TODOS EN #PARONACIONAL

Some are striking, others went to work but have only been tweeting, THEREFORE WE ARE ALL ON #PARONACIONAL (National Strike)

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