China Model in Two Different Cities

In the past few years, the term “China Model” has been widely discussed among intellectuals in China, and is now slowly spreading to other developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa. In short, the China Model is a system of government that is based upon economic freedom and political repression.

However, the implementation of the model within China varies from region to region. Recently on Public Consensus Net, there was a special feature comparing the model as implemented in Guangdong and Chongqing in four major areas: politics, economics, culture and public policy. Below is a translation of the major points of the feature:

Politics: The relationship between people and government

The skyline of Chongqing city by Flickr user (CC BY-ND 2.0)

重庆:唱红打黑 强化大政府的管理机制
另外,重庆恢复共产党的群众路线,重庆在全市机关干部中组织开展“三进三同”、“结穷亲”和“大下访”三项活动,按照中央部署唱红打黑,扫除腐败,让共产党重新获得最大多数人民的拥护。 因此,重庆模式可以说是部分地回归原有体制,以此缓解当下的社会冲突。

广东:思想解放 强调国家治理体系创新
政治方面,广东强调社会发展要以幸福为导向,提倡社会自治。近年来,广东各地在不同层面进行了广泛的改革,包括广州政府的预算公开化、顺德的“党政联动”大部制改革、河源与惠州的网络问政、深圳党内民主的试点以及广东最近提出的社会管理中的“多元共治”等。汪洋对于法治的强调,也是合乎上述变革之逻辑的,这些就构成了一个取向鲜明的“广东模式”。 曾有人大代表说,中国的民主制度主要体现在人大制度,而广东一直处在中国人大制度改革的最前沿。

Chongqing: Sing red songs and crack down on mafias, strengthen government control 

In terms of politics, Chongqing has caught everyone's attention in the past two years. However, it takes a strong and authoritative government to allocate resources and launch such a political campaign. It may undermine the judicial system. After the Li Zhuang case, the legal sector trembled and questioned the intervention of the administration in the judicial system, undermining the independence of the judiciary.

Guangdong: Liberate thought, stress innovation of state governance

Guangdong stresses that development should be guided by the principle of people's happiness and advocates a self-governing society. In recent year, a number of reforms have been introduced in the Guangdong region: the Guangzhou city government has adopted an open and transparent government budget; Shunde has encouraged more interaction between the government and the party; Heyuan and Weizhou have gathered opinions from the internet; Shenzhen has experimented with internal democracy within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP); Guangdong has introduced the idea of “diversity in social governance”. Guangdong Party leader, Wang Yang's emphasis on rule by law fits into the above-mentioned reforms, which are summed up by the term “Guangdong model”. A representative from the People's Congress has said that Chinese democracy lies in the system of People's Congress, and Guangdong is on the frontline of the People's Congress reform.

After Wang Yang visited Germany, he advocated the liberation of thought as the core value of the “Guangdong model”.

Guangzhou and Pearl River by Flickr user (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Economics: Market or government


重庆率先征收房产税,而后又推出保障房政策,以期为虚火上身、高烧不退的房地产市场降温 。此外,还进行民生户籍改革,加强食品医药管理,也提出了要调整收入分配,实现共同富裕的目标。

Guangdong: Market mechanism 

Wang Yang believes that Guangdong should prioritize social development, in particular focus on people's livelihood. In order to make the economic cake bigger, economic development is still at the core; the emphasis is not on how to cut the cake but making it bigger. Huang Huahua, the head of the Guangdong province, believes the issue of “fairness” should be put aside, with economic development the core instead. Efficiency and fairness are contradictory. Economic construction and development is more important than fair and reasonable distribution.

Although the Guangdong model stills follow the principle of the China model, it has introduced some new elements. Scholar of political science Shao Bing has pointed out that when compared with Chongqing model, Guangdong follows the market mechanism to relieve the stress within the China Model.

Chongqing: Policy to protect “fairness”

Chinese reform has been guided by the market mechanism which has had moments of failure. It can't solve many social problems, such as environmental protection and the divide between the rich and the poor. There are three major grievances in China nowadays: expensive housing, lack of health care, and high education expenses. The Chongqing model attempts to address the above problems.

Chongqing is the first city to collect property tax and introduce a public housing policy in order to cool down the overheated property market. Moreover, it has also introduced household registration reforms, monitored the food and medicine markets and put forward the principle of the redistribution of wealth.

Culture: Red vs. blue



Chongqing: the red channel 

In terms of culture, the Chongqing satellite TV has changed its output radically. It has stopped broadcasting commercials and reduced soap operas and externally produced programs. At the same time, it has increased news reports, cultural programs and public welfare ads. The Chongqing broadcast bureau has produced a series of shows to improve the city's image, society's morals, family values and public welfare. All these programs are shown during and between movies and soap operas.

Chongqing has re-introduced the legacy of the revolution and changed its golden TV channel into a red channel. In the midst of this campaign of red culture, some are worried that it could trigger the political culture of the Cultural Revolution, but others claim that that the red culture campaign is merely propaganda.

Guangdong: Courageous media

Guangdong has a very open culture. Thanks to the influence of the Southern Media Corporation, people are very expressive. Media in Guangdong has played an important role in monitoring the government. During a gathering of media workers in 2007, the city party secretary Zhu Xiaodang said, “Good public opinion and monitoring comes with criticism and suggestions. The media can improve governance by monitoring the government, reflecting public opinion and making constructive suggestions. In a nutshell, monitoring by the public can help us to correct our mistakes.”

The open culture in Guangdong has a historical background. Guangdong has been a center of revolutionary thought since the late Qing Dynasty, and a experimental field for the revolution. Even the economic reform began in Guangdong. Moreover, Guangdong is geographically near to Hong Kong and Macau, so new ideas enter the region very quickly. If the color of Chongqin is red, Guangdong is represented by the color of the ocean – blue.

Public policy: Democracy or people's livelihood



Guangdong: Democracy is the path 

Guangdong is among the first regions to engage with citizens through the internet. The party secretary Wang Yang and the head of the province Huang Huahua have interacted directly with netizens and listened to their opinions. Moreover, Guangzhou city encourages representatives of the People's Congress to organize investigative tours concerning city management. The Steering Committee of the People's Congress can demand the government answer questions that people are concerned about…

In Guangzhou, there is a large population of citizens that believes in democracy and cares about public affair. They show their concern for public affairs peacefully, rationally and legally.

Chongqing: People's livelihood is the path

Bo Xilai once said, “If development cannot improve livelihood, it is not ‘the path’, it is a ‘dead end’.” The policy of “Five Chongqing” is all about people's livelihood: “Forest Chongqing” is to build a green city; “Unblocked Chongqing” is to clear the roads of traffic jams; “Safe Chongqing” is to develop a sense of security in people's lives, property and family life; “Healthy Chongqing” is to develop healthcare for children and the elderly; “Livable Chongqing” is to provide cheap and good quality housing for middle- and lower-income people.

Netizens’ comments

So much for the description of the two models; let's take a look at how ordinary people have reacted to the comparison in Weibo's discussion thread:

大兴一叶孤帆 半斤对八两,不要心存幻想。(21分鐘前)

大兴一叶孤帆 : They are the same, don't you imagine too much.

ly-1983 2个模式 2个人 2个背后集团(38分鐘前)

ly-1983 : Two models, two persons, two power blocs behind them.

昊戈 不同意你的观点。不存在模式之争。是领导的政治资本之争。薄少爷在大连搞城市建设。来重庆打黑除恶唱红歌,是因为重庆穷山恶水没得可搞不得已而为之,他去广东也搞经济,唱红歌不犯傻逼吗。广东的领导去重庆也是照方抓药。(今天 12:01)

昊戈 : I disagree with you. There is no struggle between the two models. They are just the political capital of the leaders. Prince Bo carried out so many developmental projects when he was in Dalian; now that he is in Chongqing, he is cracking down on the mafia and singing red songs. It is because Chongqing has little space for development. If he were in Guangdong he would also stress economic development rather than singing those stupid red songs. The same choice would be made by the Guangdong leaders if they moved to Chongqing.

江门大南瓜 我在广东干了几年,感受到一条毛的民主,“广东相对更民主”这种口号也不知道什么时候吹出去的,官僚、专制作风一点不比内地弱。(今天 11:47)

江门大南瓜 : I have lived in Guangdong for many years and can't see any sign of democracy here. The slogan “Guangdong is relatively democratic” is totally groundless: same authoritative rule, same bureaucracy.

杨乾武 双方若是实事求是,从地域具体情况出发,探索改革之路,殊途同归,无可非议,都有理。原本就不可能一刀切,统一行动。但若还是依赖官本位,神马都是一把手拍脑袋说了算,甚至神化个人,那所谓XX模式恐怕仍然只是忽悠。(今天 11:37)

杨乾武 : If they have addressed the real problems and have come up with paths to reform, even though the paths differ, it doesn't matter. There is no one single strategy. However, if the solution relies on the decision of the leaders, the so-called models are just pure lies.

火焰山之虎 我从来不信专制可以给民众公平!我也从来不信靠某个官员可以让百姓幸福!(今天 11:33)

火焰山之虎 : I have never believed that authoritarianism can give people fairness. I have never believed some leaders can give people happiness.

无敌豌豆 政府说民主就是民主,政府说和谐就和谐,真正人民感受到了吗?(今天 11:26)

无敌豌豆 : The government says democracy, there comes democracy. The government says harmony, there comes harmony. Can people really experience it?

cq姚伟 不管白猫黑猫,能抓到老鼠的就是好猫。广东重庆模式敦优敦劣,三十年后自然有一个公断。

cq姚伟 : It doesn't matter if the cat is white or black, a cat capable of catching rats is a good cat. In 30 years, we will see which model is better.

程远征 没有民主何谈民生,没有民生就是奢谈民主,这是一对孪生兄弟,谁也离不开谁。想分开谈的人都是另有打算,用些美好的字眼做幌子而已。重庆真的注重民生就不会把钱花在唱红上,不如多关心教育医疗就业。广东如果真注重民主就不该有那些暴动和强拆,不该有深圳大运会无视民权的那些荒唐事件。(今天 10:52)

程远征 : Without democracy there is no way to improve people's livelihood. Without taking care of people's livelihood, democracy has lost its meaning. The two are twins and cannot be separated. There are some political calculations to discuss the two separately. If Chongqing really cared about people's livelihoods, it wouldn't waste so much money on the red campaign and would invest more in education, healthcare and employment. If Guangdong really cared about democracy, we wouldn't have so many riots and forced demolitions. And the most ridiculous Shenzhen Universiade 2011.

古道西风0427 我想自己做自己的主,不想做猪。

古道西风0427 : I just want to be my own master and don't want to be a pig.


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