Senegal: March 19, National Day of Action

The winds of revolt are blowing across the Maghreb and the Middle East. Many opponents have been inspired to protest in Gabon and Cameroon as well.

Political opponents in Senegal are also getting in on the action by expressing their discontent at their government's misguided ways. March 19, 2011, has been chosen as the date to organize demonstrations in the country.

Winds of revolution

Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal. Image by Flickr user World Economic Forum (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal. Image by Flickr user World Economic Forum (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Basile on I blog, therefore I am announced [fr] an initiative called: “We are fed up!” For March 19 at independence square”:

Le vent de la révolution venant des pays « Arabes» va souffler au Sénégal. En effet le patron du Groupe de presse Walfadjri vient de donner le coup d’envoi. En conférence de presse ce jeudi, Sidy Lamine Niasse a appelé tous les Sénégalais à une grande marche de protestation ce 19 mars prochain – date d’anniversaire de l’alternance politique au Sénégal – pour dénoncer l’injustice qui règne dans le pays. Le sit in aura pour cadre la place de Protêt ou place de l’indépendance, rebaptisée par Sidy Lamine Niasse, « place Tahrir » du nom ce haut lieu symbolique en Egypte.

The winds of revolution from “Arabic” countries are blowing towards Senegal. Indeed the head of the press group Walfadjri [fr] just kicked it off. In a press conference on Thursday, Sidy Lamine Niasse called all Senegalese to a demonstration on March 19 – the anniversary of the Senegalese political alternative – to denounce the injustice reigning in the country. The sit-in will take place at the Protêt square or the independence square, rechristened the highly symbolic name of “Tahrir square” by Sidy Lamine Niasse.

@basileniane announced the beginning of the #19mars (March 19) [fr] hashtag on Twitter:

Chers blogueurs Sénégalais et de la diaspora c'est parti pour le hashtag #19mars en attendant #kebetu de #sunu2012

Dear Senegalese bloggers, the hash tag #19mars is on while waiting for #kebetu (chatting) [wo] of #sunu2012 (ours 2012) [w0]
Screenshot of the Facebook page "Senegalese Revolution".

Screenshot of the Facebook page "Senegalese Revolution".

@basileniane also announced [fr] the creation of a Facebook page:

Révolution Sénégalaise : La page facebook qui sonne la révolte: Les Sénégalais sont entrés dans la danse d… in Pb.

Révolution Sénégalaise [Senegalese Revolution]: The Facebook page that is sounding the revolt: The Senegalese have started the dance … in Pb.

The page only has about 100 [update 15/03/11: 250] fans for now, but many web users have started their own “revolution”.

A post on the website on how the movement “We are fed up” is shaking the governing power [fr], informs us that the rap group Keur Gui was arrested after denouncing the Senegalese government's misguided ways and failures. The post ends with:

À un an des Présidentielles, le mouvement « Y en a marre » n’a sans doute pas fini de faire parler de lui.

A year away from the presidential elections, the movement “We are fed up” is not done hitting the headlines.

Prior to the rap group Keur Gui, a young traveling salesman had expressed his discontent [fr] with the current governing power. Others like activist Ansoumana Dione [fr] are wishing for a peace committee for the nation [fr]. Others, such as the PIT (Party of Independence and Labor) are recommending [fr] President Abdoulaye Wade's immediate departure.

However, Wade does not only have opponents, for example, in a post titled “My name is Sidy Lamine Niasse – Yes! What's it got to do with you?“, Walid Faye warns against Niasse's rallying calls:

Devons-nous tout simplement faire la révolution parce que Sidy Lamine Niasse, un patron de télé, qui doit de l'argent à l'état le demande ?

Should we start a revolution simply because Sidy Lamine Niasse, a tv [television] manager, who owes the state money [fr] is asking for one?

Reasons behind the anger

The reasons for the anger? This non-exhaustive list of articles details the complaints of the regime's opponents:


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