A few hundred people gathered in Kuwait today calling for “a new government, with a new Prime Minister, and a new approach.” While some would say that Kuwait is catching up with the spirit of change raging across the Arab World, others would deny that, saying the Kuwait protests have nothing to do with the rest of the region. Nonetheless, Kuwait is an Arab country, where young people are trying to effect change.
Turn out to the protest, which ran smoothly with no incident, was lower than anticipated. @Sultan7879 posts a photograph from the protest:
Kuwaiti protesters calling for a new government, with a new Prime Minister
He commented:
صوره اقرب للتجمع #واترك لكم حرية تقدير اعداد الحضور؟؟ # 8mar #kafi #soor5 #er7al #kuwait #q8 http://t.co/YV8g9fO
“This is a closer shot of of the gathering, and I will leave you to estimate their number.”
On Twitter, many people announced their intention to take part in the protests. @al_tariq2009 tweeted:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، اتوجه الآن لساحة الصفاة التقي الشباب هناك
I'm going now to the Safat Square to meet the youth there
In an unexplained move, The Ministry of Interior announced today the closure of the Safat Square, where the protests were originally planned, but that did not deter the people calling for the gathering.
@LeKoweit explained:
نظرا لاغلاق ساحة الصفاة، ندعو أبناء الشعب الكويتي الى التوجه الى ساحة التغيير، الساعة 7 مساء اليوم، مقابل مجلس الوزراء، بجانب البنك المركزي
Because the Safat Square is closed, we invite the Kuwaiti people to go to the Square of Change, at 7pm, in front of Council of Ministers, next to the Central Bank
And if you are wondering where the Square of Change is, as you will not find it on any map, here is an explanation from @eL_aldstor :
( التجمع اليوم أمام مجلس الوزراء .. في الساحة المقابلة بجانب الدوار وتسمي من اليوم ( ساحة التغيير
The gathering today will be in front of the Council of Ministers in the area next to the roundabout. From today onwards, it shall be called the Square of Change
@ShagranQ8 tried to reason why the Safat Square was closed to the protesters:
سبب تغيير ساحة الصفاة حسب ظني هو:السلطة لاتريد لهذه الساحة أن تبرز إعلاميا في حال سلّط الإعلام”الخارجي”الضوء على مكان التواجد لطمس تاريخيتها
The reason for wanting to change the gathering place from Safat Square I think is because the authorities do not want Safat Square to be mentioned in case the foreign media shine the spotlight on it
@walladah explained why he protested:
سأعتصم اليوم الساعة السابعة مساءاً مع الشباب من اجل حكومة جديدة بنهج مختلف …فهل ستعتصم معنا ليكون الصبح في بلادنا أكثر إشراقاً ؟
Today I will protesting at 7pm with the youth for a new government with a new approach. Will you be protesting with us so that a new dawn would shine on our country
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