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Bahrain: Modest Numbers Turn Out in Front of US Embassy

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Bahrain, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Politics, Protest

This post is part of our special coverage of Bahrain Protests 2011 [1].

Small numbers of pro-democracy protesters rallied outside the US embassy on Monday (March 7) calling for the US government to stop supporting the regime.

Here are some reactions from Twitter:

@angryarabiya [2] Why is it that US embassy wants 2 hear from monarchy, n politicians but not from the ppl?? We only want 2 be heard. #bahrain #feb14

@KawtharAlArab [3] protest in front of the #US Embassy in #Bahrain Now http://yfrog.com/h336eprj [4] calling for US admin 2stop supporting dictators #14feb

Protester carrying anti-monarchy in front of US embassy [4]

Protester carrying anti-monarchy in front of US embassy

@MaramAbdulaal [5] Anti-monarchy/pro-democracy protests outside #bahrain US embassy..who chose the location? http://yfrog.com/h8vkeuj [6]

Embassy security looking on at the anti-monarchy protesters [6]

Embassy security looking on at the anti-monarchy protesters

@girlpants29 [7] Jumping up&down outside the US Embassy is so futile. Can't u see ONLY intelligent/practical dialogue will bring change 2 #bahrain so do it!

@foxgluv [8] Extremely low turn-out @ US Embassy in Manama, Bahrain today by anti-gov. demonstrators, 2 dozen max…

@SAIDYOUSIF [9] #Bahrain hundreds are protesting now opisite of #US #Empassy in manama #Feb14 #Lulu

and in reply..

@vickymaus77 [10] @SAIDYOUSIF #Bahrain hundreds at the US Embassy? This is simply wrong! it was not more than 50! I have it first had from s.o. who was there!

This post is part of our special coverage of Bahrain Protests 2011 [1].