8 March 2011

Stories from 8 March 2011

Morocco: Women Celebrate International Day

Moroccan women, who have long been at the forefront of the civil society's struggle for a better and more dignified life, celebrated the 100th anniversary of the International Women's Day today. Across the Moroccan blogosphere, male and female bloggers have been reflecting on this occasion.

Hollaback! Mobile Technology Against Street Harassment

  8 March 2011

Based on the premise that "the explosion of mobile technology has given us an unprecedented opportunity to end street harassment," Hollaback! is encouraging women around the world to use the tools available to them to share their stories and geo-locate incidents and reports.

Vietnam: Road accidents

  8 March 2011

Citing WHO statistics, Andy Engelson is surprised to discover that “United States’ traffic is as dangerous as Vietnam’s.”

Thailand: Total number of coups

  8 March 2011

Nicholas Farrelly, writing for the New Mandala, has counted 11 “successful” and 9 “unsuccessful” coup efforts” in Thailand in the past century.

Kenya: Interesting websites

  8 March 2011

Interesting Kenyan websites: “Chukua.com – yet another directory-type website.The thing that sets Chukua.com apart is that it is not only a directory but a marketplace – whereby you can set...

Ghana: Photos of mental health

  8 March 2011

Fiona blogs about Ghanaian photographer Nyani who has been working on a collection of photographs documenting the conditions faced by people in Ghana who are living with mental health issues.

Are Sub-Saharan Mercenaries Fighting for Gaddafi?

  8 March 2011

From the very first days of the 2011 Libyan uprising, there has been talk of foreign mercenaries, both from Sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe, within long-standing leader Colonel Gaddafi's commando units. Explanations and opinions from the African blogosphere are presented here.

Mexico: Remembering the Women of Ciudad Juárez

  8 March 2011

Ciudad Juárez is considered the most violent city in Mexico with more than 3,100 murders recorded in 2010, with an average of 9 homicides per day. Women are not immune to this violence, and cases of femicides committed years ago are still unresolved. On this International Woman's Day, we are remembering the women of Ciudad Juárez.