Jordan has seen demonstrations each Friday the last several months calling for reforms to Jordan's political and economic structures. The Twitter hashtag #ReformJo has been active for several weeks with suggestions and demands for reform, focusing on eliminating corruption and reforming Jordan's election law. Unlike unrest in much of the Arab world, though, Jordan's protests and discussions have been almost entirely peaceful. And, reformists have been quick to affirm their loyalty to Jordan's King Abdullah II.
The last week has seen a new hashtag under #ILoveJordan, during which the Jordanian Twitter community listed dozens of reasons that they love their homeland. Many of the participating tweeps are also active on #ReformJo, but were excited to affirm their loyalty to Jordan and its leadership.
Many listed the people of Jordan as their reason for loving the country:
Qais Karasdsheh wrote:
#IloveJordan as everywhere you go, you know someone. Its not a small world its a great Jordan.
Xiniaa tweeted:
#ILoveJordan Because Jordan is simply beautiful; it's nature, people's minds & souls, and food : )
Rawan Shunnaq agreed:
#ILoveJordan the country in which I live safely with my family and my friends :)
Helen al-Uzaizi wrote:
#ilovejordan because everyone is family
Even King Abdullah II's wife, Queen Rania, joined in the conversation. She tweeted:
#ILoveJordan b/c #JO is one big extended family. You never feel alone. Our doors are open; our hearts are open.
This was widely retweeted, and Khalil Wahhab added:
#ILoveJordan coz our queen hashtags
Many others listed humorous reasons for loving Jordan. Hiba Reziq tweeted:
#IloveJordan cs it's taxi drivers will never ever let u get bored on the way:) #Jordan #Jo
Osama al-Samadi included a photo in his tweet:
#ILoveJordan because this could never happens to me anywhere else @JOPictures #jo #tourism @visitjordan
Still others focused on Jordan's safety and state of peacefulness. Reem B tweeted:
#ilovejordan because you can go out at midnight grab your grocery without fearing for your safety.
And others emphasized their loyalty to the Jordan's Hashemite king. Anoud al-Fawwaz tweeted:
Safe peaceful & welcoming, rich with history, home to the Dead Sea Petra &Wadi Rum, &most importantly kingdom of the Hashemites #ILoveJordan
Omar Biltaji tweeted:
#ILovejordan because I can walk into any foreign airport and tell them I'm a Jordanian and my king is H.M. Abdullah II…
Reem B wrote:
#ilovejordan because it has a great King. A man who works for the good of his people. Someone I deeply respect and honor. #JO
Nour al-Hassan summed it up:
#Ilovejordan because its simply my home.
Jordanian debates on reform continue at #ReformJo, and Jordanian appreciation for its homeland is pouring out at #ILoveJordan