Like every year, Arab bloggers are competing for “The Best 2011 Arabic Blog” title. The competition is named Arabisk.
The blogs nominated are categorized into four categories: the best personal blog, the best news blog, the best specialized blog and the best entertainment blog. The winner of each category will get two prizes: the Audience Award and the Jury Award.
Nominations for the competition were open from January 15 to February 15; readers were allowed to vote for their best blogs from February 16 to 28; On March 1, the top 20 blogs in each category were announced; and from March 1 to 31, the jury will work on evaluating the entries.
The results are expected to be announced at the beginning of next month.
The aim:
According to the competition site (ar):
The Rules:
The competition rules are as follows:
1. على المدونات المشاركة أن تتميز بالأصالة في المحتوى. إذ لن تقبل ترشيحات المدونات التي تنشر مواد محفوظة الحقوق دون إذن من صاحب الحق. أو المدونات التي يغلب عليها طابع النقل وإعادة النشر لمحتويات أخرى، حتى إن كانت موادا مأذون بإعادة نشرها.
2. على المدونات المشاركة أن تكون متوافقة مع الأخلاق العامة للمجتمعات الإسلامية. ولن تقبل ترشيحات المدونات التي تنشر موادا بورنوغرافية.
1. Blogs participating in the contest should have original content. We will not accept the nomination of blogs which publish copyrighted material without the consent of the original publisher. Also blogs which predominantly depend on cutting and pasting material online, even with permission, will not be entered into the contest.
2. The participating blogs should adhere to the general moral code of Islamic societies. Blogs with pornographic content will be eliminated from the contest.
The Jury:
The jury includes bloggers from different Arab countries. They are: Wael Ghonim, Basem Shaheen, Muhammed Bashir, Fouad Alfarhan, and Moammar Aamer.
Readers will also be allowed to vote for as many blogs as they wish, for the Audience Award part of the contest.
هكذا لن يجد الشخص نفسه في مأزق التصويت على مدونة واحدة لا غير، وتجاهل المدونات الأخرى حتى وإن كانت متقاربة في المستوى. هذا النظام سيوفر مرونة أكبر للراغبين في التصويت، وسيعطي لكل مدونة فرصا متساوية للفوز، ما دامت تستحق ذلك
This way the reader will not be at loss for what blog to vote for in each category and will not be forced to vote for one blog and ignore the rest, when they are close to their favourite in quality. This system gives readers more flexibility in voting and gives all the blogs an equal chance to win, as long as they deserve to do so