On the morning of March 3, President Ricardo Martinelli promised to repeal Law 8, which modified Panama's mining code. Hora Cero [es] reports:
El Presidente de Panamá, Ricardo Martinelli anunció este jueves que su gobierno derogará este jueves, una ley minera que miles de indígenas rechazaron durante las últimas semas con protestas en las calles y cierres de rutas en la provincias de Chiriquí y Veraguas.
The news were received with joy among Panamanians who saw the change in the code as an attack on the environment. Reactions immediately appeared on social networks.
President Ricardo Martinelli (@rmartinelli) shared the announcement of the repeal on his Twitter account, adding that he would always listen to his people:
La Ley 8 será derogada en Consejo Extraordinario, un Presidente como yo siempre escuchará a su pueblo
Juan Carlos Navarro (@juancanavarro), former mayor of the Panamanian capital, wrote on Twitter:
panama no quiere mineria a cielo abierto. ahora a defender naturaleza, fortalecer ANAM y escuchar a la gente.
Daniel A. Robleto A. (@danielrobleto) thanks the indigenous people that fought for the law to be eliminated:
Se anuncia derogacion de la ley 8 que permitía minería metálica de cielo abierto en Panamá. Gracias hermanos Ngäbe, su lucha lo logro.
Yitzhak Polanco M. (@yitzpolanco) shows his joy at the promise of a repeal:
Super Feliz!!! Degoracion total de la LEY 8!!! NO A LA MINERIA en PANAMA!!
Ana Perezmackenzie (@peresmackenzie) echoes the words of the president:
Martinelli dijo “No me gustan las minas, los mineros, ni la mineria” bueno a sacarlos de Panama, que el ORO de Panama es Verde!
C. Adrian Martínez (@cadrianmartinez) reminds his followers that the promise of a repeal does not necessarily mean that open-pit mining will not exist in Panama:
La derogación de la Ley 8 no es compromiso de un Panamá sin minería metálica/a cielo abierto. Ahora hay que lograr garantizar esto.
This so-called “LAW 8” appeal really does not change any of the mining or foreign mining interests here in Panama!
This Martinelli Government marches forward spending $Millions and $Millions on the defense of Panama.
Just one problem, who are all these so-called enemies of this Martinelli Government?
Over half of the country of Panama does not have safe clean drinkable water for for weeks that are turning into months!
The Panamanian Government of Martinelli is borrowing close to two $Billion which is not going to save or rebuild the needed infrastructure maintenance, repairs and updates.
These monies are being used to bolster the National Police with Heavy Military weapons(RPG’S & Heavy Machine Guns), Gun ship type attack Helicopters, and Predator spy drones.
The Mining, the thief, and the rape of the Panamanians Natural Resources has not changed!
The Panamanian Constitution forbids Foreign industrial and mining Interests from owning, developing, and processing of Panama Natural Resources without Proper environmental safe Guards and Practices!
This Martinelli Government only use the Rule of Law and the Constitution of Panama when it is beneficial to his Politicians, his personal Business associates and Foreign business interests.
80 Percent of the Panamanian people do not want or agree with the continued corruption and Greed of this Martinelli Government!
“Panama where the numbers never add up”
Does anybody know when there will be news on that concern? Any suggestions when the repeal will be done?
Nothing has changed, here in Panama, period
The Martinelli Panamanian Government is now using another path to take over the Indigenous Panamanian Citizens Ancestral lands.
How about all these new International Bank loans which are reportedly to help the Indigenous Panamanian Citizens to over come Malnutrition and abject Poverty?
These loans just keep piling up and are being sponsored by the Corrupted Greedy Depraved Martinelli Government ,all these voracious multi National companies to corrupt and steal these Indigenous Panamanian Citizens Ancestral lands!
These loans will be used to open up and secure heavy access by over development of their lands for so-called social, Health , and education programs, projects, and improvements.
Which will of course is to be rammed through and made possible at the International, National, and Local level by all these moral and ethical Politicians and close business associates of this Martinelli Government!
The total of all these loans designed to help these Indigenous Panamanian Citizens is now Just over $350 Million($350,000,000.00) for 2011 so far!
Just how is this Martinelli Government to Pay for all these loans and the Interest?
” President Luis Alberto Moreno and the Panamanian Minister of Finance sign a loan for $30 million to improve education for indigenous youth with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).” 2 March, 2011
“This loan is a loan to support some 55 schools with an enrollment of 8,112 students will be grouped together in three school networks. Three “central” schools will be built to each provide services to their network, in this way expanding mid-level (grade 12) education in indigenous areas.”
That is $3700.00 per student in these indigenous areas !
MEDUCA averages a little over $400.00 a year each for all the other students in Panama!
Now, This loan(URL below) is to help with the Big problem of Malnutrition and health here in Panama in the tune of $300Million( $300,000,000.00) 4, February 2011
This loan operations and projects are financed to be use by the multilateral Panamanian Ministries and organization which will comprise the areas of health, social protection, rural development and infrastructure.
In other words to gain access to the Indigenous Panamanian Citizens Ancestral lands by introducing corrupted infrastructure such as heavy access roads, electrical, and water projects for the Mining interests?
Offering health, education, and infrastructure programs without any form of ecological and Indigenous Panamanian Citizens approval, input, or benefit!
This is another loan(URL below) from the world bank that was initiated before the marches and Protests of February 2011 !
It is to be used to legally register and then steal the Indigenous Panamanian Citizens Ancestral lands by those who are chosen to pay the corrupted, mismanaged new registration fees to this Martinelli Government!
Panama Land Administration Project loan. 4 February 2011:
If you think the Mining of Panama will slow down and be on hold read on!
Other news of Interest about Inmet Mining :
7 March 2011
7 March 2011
“Panama where the numbers never add up”