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Japan: It's nursing time on Twitter!

Categories: East Asia, Japan, Education, Technology, Youth

This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011 [1].

Fledgling mummies and daddies cannot give in when their baby cries or needs to be changed. Often they seek for advices and who is a better adviser than other parent fellows? These days parenthood 101 is taught and learnt on Twitter, where they communicate with each other through hashtags like #ikuji [2](child rearing), #junew [3] (read as junyuu, that means breast-feeding), #oyabaka [4] (stupid parents) and many others.


By Flickr user Yto, CC License.

An expecting mother, @hana_tachibana [6], announced to her followers that she just found out the sex of her baby:

お腹の子が女の子かも、と知って最初は動揺したけど(男だと思ってた)今は楽しみになってきた。一緒に甘いモンを食らったり、かわいいモンを愛でたりして遊べるんだな。私に似てサバサバした女子になることだろうが、女子の本質は同じだろう。 #mamajp #ninpu

When I heard that the baby in my womb may be a girl I had a little shock (I thought it was a boy) but now I'm looking forward to it. We will have fun eating sweets together, and loving cute things. It doesn't matter if she becomes a frank girl like me or a real lady. #mamajp #pregnant woman

Some twitting daddies use the hashtag “Mr. Papa Alliance” to keep track of their everyday life with their kids.

@maruo417 [7] 娘風呂入れ完了。妻にバトンタッチで寝かし付け。パパは洗濯なう。その後は風呂掃除(^-^ゞ #papasanrengou

Just finished bathing my daughter. Passing the torch to my wife who'll make her sleep. Daddy is going to do the laundry, then will clean the bathroom. #mrpapaalliance(^-^ゞ

@TAKA31882 [8] お風呂入ってぽかぽか(*^_^*) 毎日会社では時間に追われてトイレにも行けず10分休憩もないようなもの1日で一番癒されるのは子供達の寝顔(*^_^*)夜ツイする時間かな(^^)v #papasanrengou

Finally relaxing in a hot bath. Every day, after a whole day spent at work without having 10 minutes free nor the time to rest what heals me the most is the face of my child asleep. (*^_^*) It makes me realize that it's night time(^^)v #mrpapaalliance

Solidarity among daddies is strong on issues such as the admission to public school, which is hard to obtain thanks to a complex point system. @ikiteruuchiga87 [9] replied “Congrats!” to @lackelto2004 [10] who happily announced:

@lackelto2004 [11] 家に一番近い公立の保育園から、内定通知がっっっっ!子も親も朝の生活が変わるな…

We got accepted by the public kindergarten which is also the closest one to our place!!! I wonder if our and our baby's morning life is going to change…

By Flickr user Naoyafuji, CC License.

Also young mummies with babies who don't want to sleep or cry, share new lulling methods…

@mau1778 [13] 昨日寝かしつけ方法を皆様からアドバイスもらったので早速実践!ただいま旦那が着地成功なるか!?ってとこまできてます! #akachan #junew #akc48

I will immediately follow the advice you all gave me yesterday and try this method to make my kid sleep! Just now my husband succeeded in laying him down. That's the point we managed to reach so far.#baby #breastfeeding

…or their anxieties.

@ajyu627 [14]娘ちゃんとお風呂〜#junew〜寝かしつけ〜母ちゃんお風呂〜ご飯。 パパが出張でいない為初めて2人きりの生活だったけど、何とか無事にすごせました(*^^*) お風呂中ゎ泣いてないか心配で何度もドア開けちゃったけど^^;

Bathing time for my daughter, #junew [breast-feeding], put her asleep, having I myself a bath, meal. Daddy is out of town for work and it's the first time we two are alone but everything went smoothly (*^^*) Although, while I was having a bath, I kept opening the door as I was worried she might cry.

@mau1778 旦那が寝かしつけなう。旦那のほうがうまいかも〜。スクワット&背中ポンポンでスヤスヤ〜。着地なるか!? #junew #akachan #ikuji #ikumen

My husband is just trying to make our child sleep now. He is better than me, I suppose. Squat position, tumtum on the back and good night. Will he be able to lay her down? #breastfeeding #baby #childrearing #rearingpapa

Others announce their achievements.

@tomokka_chan [15] 寝た寝たw私も寝る。今夜こそ寝る! #junew #akachan

He is asleep, I'll sleep too. Yes, tonight, I WILL! #breastfeeding #baby

This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011 [1].