Bahrain: Police Attack Protesters at Pearl Roundabout

This post is part of our special coverage of Bahrain Protests 2011.

The Bahraini police have just launched an attack on protesters at the Pearl Roundabout.

Here are the reactions from Twitter:

@maryamalkhawaja: There are wounded, area is surrounded

@FroozyO: Attention attention: Riot police by the hundreds have just arrived with helmets and clubs, about to attack. Please be aware

@JTheIslander: I hear gunfire. I live 4 km away from the roundabout.

@emile_hokayem: Lots of demonstrators running away.

@hhusaini: Riot police coming out to attack – Confirmed!!! #lulu #bahrain

@chanadbh: URGENT: It seems riot police is attacking Lulu Roundabout #Bahrain #Feb14

@bintbattuta: I'm not anywhere near and I can hear it

@emile_hokayem: Deafening sound. Speaker calling demonstrators to stay put.

@FroozyO: Riot police are about to attack us. Repeat….riot police are on the over pass getting out with clubs in their hands….

@tariqal: All I hear is gunshots & protester chanting “this is peaceful” . Ya rab no more deaths – #Bahrain #Feb14 #Lulu


تجمع لفوات الشغب الان بالقرب الساحة المقابلة للدوار ما يقارب ٢٠ جيب #bahrain #lulu #feb14
riot police gathering now near the square next to the round about. There are about 20 Jeeps

@hhusaini: They're attacking from everywhere #lulu #bahrain

@Elizrael: Fuck! At Pearl Roundabout #Feb14 RT @emile_hokayem: Riot police charging. Crowd running away. Speaker stopped talking


قوات الشغب تنزل من سياراتها لقمع المتظاهرين يدعون المناطق بدعم الدوارل #feb14 #bahrain #jan25
the riot police coming down from their cars to crackdown on protesters

@Elizrael: RT @bintbattuta: Dear God, huge explosions coming from Pearl Roundabout. Lots of yelling. I'm not anywhere near and I can hear it. #Feb14

This post is part of our special coverage of Bahrain Protests 2011.


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