This post is part of our special coverage of Egypt Protests 2011.
Tribute is pouring from all around the world for those who have lost their lives in protests held across Egypt to call for an end of the Mubarak regime.
Today is the Sunday of Martyrs, in what is the beginning of the Week of Steadfastness, and marks the 13th day of the Egyptian people's uprising.
A call has gone out for yet another million people's march at Tahrir Square, in down town Cairo, to remember those killed in the protests. The day is expected to feature a Coptic mass, and the families of those killed in the protests have been asked to attend, carrying placards with the names of their dear ones on them. Tahrir Square has been the epicentre of protests in recent days, and a permanent fixture on television screens beaming the developments on the ground live into our living rooms.

Facebook page: Freedom Martyrs
Egypt Remembers also shows the pictures and names of those killed in the struggle.
A Facebook page entitled Freedom Martyrs can also be found here, and people are also encouraged to contribute the names of martyrs of this spreadsheet.
Following are some reactions from Twitter:
@lubzi: My eyes cry when I see your martyrs, #Egypt ! Down with Mubarak's regime TT @Lastoadri: عيني تدمع.. #egyjp #Jan25
@_anamus: cudnt stop my tears as i read thru d bios of d Martyrs… step down #mubarak stop ths killings #egypt #jan25
@egyptianreform: Dont let the martyrs down…continue protesting until the regime collapses! #egypt #tahrir #jan25
@FourYawkeyWay: my heart aches at each bio of the young martyrs in #egypt. It's clear #Mubarak is trying to kill the future he'll not be part of… #jan25
@Repent11: Photos nd details of the martyrs of #Jan25 RIP-God Bless U nd Am Sure ur in a better place away from Mubarak!
@_anamus: DAY 13 of Egyptian Wrath.This will b the Day of Martyrs of the revolution. Another million-man/woman march #jan25 #egypt…good morning world
@hasan_konty: let's promise never to forget our Martyrs who died for the freedom of all of us and swear to punish their killers #egypt #jan25 #tahrir
@bkquade: World must always remember #Egypt martyrs. #Jan25 protests will bring freedom to much of the world. They are all heroes.
@rehabsakr: #egypt #jan25 The Revolution Martyrs, died for us to live, don't forget them!
@TarikSalama: Msg to #Israel: r these faces of violent ppl? martyrs of #Jan25 Democracy in #Egypt only guarantee for peace.
@sokkari: Sunday's Martyrs mass proves that tolerance & respect have bn revived by a revolution of a new generation with a global conscience. #jan25
@virtualactivism: Day of Martyrs during Week of Steadfastness. LOVE how those youth are naming their days. #jan25
Stay tuned for more coverage from Egypt.
This post is part of our special coverage of Egypt Protests 2011.
1 comment
Are you all so weepy when Coptic Christians are slaughtered, or Christians in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, and elsewhere throughout the Moslem world?