Following mass protests in Tunisia and Egypt, a group Sudanese activists have chosen January 30, 2011 to be the beginning of peaceful demonstrations to bring down Omar al-Bashir and his government. Omar al-Bashir came to power in 1989 following a bloodless military coup.
The Jan 30 Sudan campaign is calling on all sectors of Sudanese to get out January 30th and demonstrate in the streets of Sudan's most populated cities. There are reports of Sudanese police beat and arrested students in downtown Khartoum.
Here is a roundup of latest tweets using the hashtag #SudanJan30.
@elzubeir advises twitter users to use #SudanJan30 hashtag for consistency:
People tweeting on the protests in #Sudan today, please use the #SudanJan30 hashtag for consistency. #Jan30 may be confused with #Egypt's
Can't tweet while walking. Numbers so far in tens. Could sum up to 100. Chants are mainly against price increases. #SudanJan30
video on #sudan protests now on al-jazeera #sudanjan30
次はスーダン。Riot police attacked us. Numbers started to build up. Protesters are spreading into smaller groups in internal streets. #SudanJan30
Protests in Sudan! You just can't make this stuff up! #SudanJan30 #ArabProtest #Egypt #JO #Yemen #ArabProtest
#SudanJan30 Numbers are growing by the min
@simsimt: Looks like we need the guys from #Egypt to come teach us a thing or two about organizing a protest. #SudanJan30 #Jan
#SudanJan30 RT @ykhogaly: #Sudan #jan30 Thousands of students from WadMadani Ahlia University join the demonstration in #WadMadani
Please follow @simsimt who is on his way to attend a demo for #SudanJan30
It appears demo is resuming at Jackson's square, middle of Souq Arabi. Unconfirmed reports of clashes. I'm heading there. #SudanJan30
PHOTO: Sudan Protest Started, Photo Update From the Protest. Please keep hashing to #SudanJan30
#SudanJan30 Universities seem to be the centre of protests, as usual. Reports of crowds at Omdurman Islamic, Khartoum & Ahlia
@elzubeir wants AlJazeera to go to Sudan:
Hey AlJazeera, if you want to cover demonstrations and need to fill up time while #Egypt cuts you down, come to #Sudan for #SudanJan30
Below is a video from today's demonstration in Khartoum posted by Usamah here.
Finally, Jan30Sudan is a project for mapping the protests for the whole world to see.