Egypt: El Baradei – Protesters’ Friend or Foe?

This post is part of our special coverage of Egypt Protests 2011.

Egyptian opposition figure Dr Mohamed El Baradei paid a short visit to thousands of anti-Mubarak protesters, camped at Tahrir Square in Cairo, a few minutes ago.

Following is the buzz the visit generated:

@Mme_Bavarde RT @sharifkouddous: Baradei seen as non-corrupt, is respected. But he lived away too long, didn't join earlier protests & this revolt was done w/o his help

@sharifkouddous People handing out bread to each other. Sitting and chanting. Waiting for Baradei. #Egypt

@mikeedwards606 RT @parvezsharma: SO TRUE! @gharbeia Tahrir sq #Baradei isn't addressing people but journalists while most people are praying in a different direction #Jan25

@tameryaza the nightmare of #Mubarak , Mohamad El-Baradei joined demonstrators this evening in the “Liberation square” … #egypt #tunisia #turkey #usa

@sultanalqassemi: El Baradei arrives in Meydan Tahrir. Page grab Al Arabiya

@Dima_Khatib Al Baradei is reported to be already leaving Tahrir Square, or may have already left.. his point is? A cordial visit? #egypt #cairo #jan25

@whisper1111 RT @jeremyscahill: Whoa RT @sharifkouddous People saying Baradei fainted or something and went home. People standing up and leaving disappointed. #Egypt

@FromJoanne RT @parvezsharma: Before I take a break. Ponder this pls. #Baradei is always more interested in talking w/Western journos not people of #Egypt #Jan25

@Nashmiyya RT @lo2lu2a: #Baradei 2 protesters: “We r in an new era” “What we have begun can't turn back”. Is he hijacking it & appointing himself as leader? #egypt

@ShugsssRT @IAmTheStarchild: @shugsss Baradei is a clown trying to jack the revolution. That's all that needs to be known. ;)

@NooRSR RT @mzaher: btw, El Baradei has an official twitter account @elbaradei. #justsaying #Egypt #Jan25

@SocialistViews El-Baradei's history is of a moderate who's been against direct confrontation with the #Mubarak regime #p2 #jan25

@EvilLolly: Its just my opinion lol, but i have doubts about Baradei The question everyone shd be asking is what has he done to deserve to lead?!

@0ssarian42 RT @syrianews: Baradei is a gift to mubarak-he's dividing opposition RT @Sandmonkey: left protest shortly after baradei joined, thousands still there

@ruwaisreviews RT @EhabZ: Once the Pharaoh falls, El-Baradei should serve as a temporary interim leader, and give way to elections in the very near future.

@oasanchez RT @democracynow: RT @sharifkouddous: Some want Baradei to be in type of transitional gov't. Feelings are mixed.

This post is part of our special coverage of Egypt Protests 2011.


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  • I’ve only become an “Egyptian Armchair Expert” over the last ew days so I couldn’t saywho the best person to take the helms is. I do know that whomever it is needs to set up elections and do it quickly. I hope that the Egyptian people get the sound, solid democracy that the country needs to prosper. I would hope that whomever it is makes sound decisions or the revolt continues.

    Since i live in the Midwest, i feel that makes me an expert on the MidEast. I can see it from my house, ya know.

  • azmat

    Its a same ol story same ol game of musical chairs. Just like the Islamic revolution in Iran we would see the next dictator taking over for the next 30 years in Egypt. So calm down freedom fighters and understand what you are fighting for. The fact of the matter is, Islamic culture of Submission can not and will not break away from the curse of authoritarianism. Let me remind all the readers that there is a great need of reformation in the Islamic culture in order for it to even enhance a democratic system. Otherwise we are beating the dead horse over and over again. Besides that the authoritarianism is closely fashioned after terrorism and non-tolerance against all. In order to have democracy we must first understand what it means to protect the rights of all its citizens, not just the majority. May be separation of mosque and state would help.

    On the fifth day of revolting the true colors of Egyptians are showing, now they are shouting in the streets: They hate the United States, they hate Israel, and they hate the Christians. A few of them say they are united as Muslims and Christians, nothing could be further from the truth. The history tells that the Christians are not going to have fair treatment under any Islamic country. Its a same ol mindset everywhere for the Muslims. The minorities will always be persecuted and mistreated, no doubt. Unfortunately, nothing will change in Egypt either. Stay tuned for the crowning of the next dictator.

  • NN Toronto

    West has protected butal regimes in its own interests incolonies or neo-independent countries for last few centuries. I see Egypts 1979 is just round the corner and the west is going to wake up to another rude fact very very soon. Islamic world is another 50 to 100 years away from true democracy…education & empowerment of Women will bring about far quicker social change.

  • Anonymous242

    ElBaradei Is an agent for the globalists. This is just a reshuffling of puppets. Egyptions need to place someone that has had NO contact with the UN or any of the other globalist power structures.

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