23 January 2011

Stories from 23 January 2011

Tunisia: Change is Possible

  23 January 2011

Tunisian Ahmad (Ar) says the title of the next era in Tunisia is “Change is Possible.” “It is a mercy from God that our political parties were too weak to organise an uprising which is this strong and effective,” he adds.

Bahrain: A Mistrial?

  23 January 2011

Bahraini Mahmood Al Yousif discusses the trial of 25 Bahrainis, among them blogger Ali Abdulemam, who are “accused of crimes against the state, everything from sedition through to terrorism and incitement against the regime, all of which carry rather heavy sentences.”

Jordan: Message to the Rulers

  23 January 2011

Jordanian Qwaider shares his thoughts on Tunisia in this post. “I'm puzzled and surprised of how happy “other” Arab citizens. From the Atlantic to the Arabian sea, the simple Arab citizen is rejoicing as if it was his mother who got liberated! I couldn't but wonder…Is this the message that...

Egypt: Will January 25 be the Day of the Egyptian Intifada?

  23 January 2011

What is going to happen in Egypt on January 25? People are calling for demonstrations and sit-ins everywhere. Who is going to participate, and where? What are their demands? Isn't it possible that some people are against the whole thing? We just need to pay the Egyptian blogosphere a quick visit to find out answers for all our questions.

Lebanon: Fears of Instability

  23 January 2011

“I want the stress of my day to revolve around how much heart-clogging saturated fat was in my lunchtime sandwich, not around whether there are going to be a few armed thugs shooting at each other in the streets tonight. Or whether a car bomb is going to go off...

Lebanon: Fears of Escalation

  23 January 2011

“So again I tell you, I am not a political analyst nor a fortune teller; however, I am strongly pessimistic when it comes to our political situation. In the end, it makes me sad to say I am almost certain that the current “cold war”, which has been crippling the...

Lebanon: Twitter 101

  23 January 2011

Nadine Moawad posts a beginner's guide to Twitter in Lebanon starting from signing up for an account passing through building connections and ending with useful tips.

Lebanon: Kuntar Remembers Prison Days in Israel

  23 January 2011

 “Just wait another week and you will realize that the Lebanese Resistance is playing ATARI with Israel “defense forces”.”  Adonis quotes Samir Kuntar's response to the warden, at Hadarim prison, who was boasting that Hezbollah will be crushed in a couple of days during the 2006 war. Kuntar was released from Israeli...