The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, had announced on his Twitter account that he will be answering questions from citizens that were posted between 4.30pm and 6pm last Tuesday using the hashtag #tanyanajib, which translates to ‘ask Najib’ in Malay. In recent times, the Prime Minister has been using social media like his blog, Facebook page and Twitter account to communicate with citizens, including a gathering with his ‘online friends’.
It has quickly become a trending topic on Twitter, with many citizens asking the Prime Minister questions on a range of issues.
Elaine Daly, a Malaysian celebrity, tweeted
if we are 1 Malaysia, why do we still have to tick ‘race’ boxes? From the ‘dan lain-lain’ (Other races besides Malay, Chinese or Indian) me
(On most official forms, Malaysians are required to declare their race- Malay, Chinese, Indian, or Other)
Jia Liang, asked
do you think more money should be given to the development of sports in our country? We have shown promise.
Shisheewady asked
di KL sdg sibuk dgn projek MRT.bila agaknya LRT akan dibina di kuching?kesesakan lalu lintas semakin teruk di sini.
Qiwenism, instead used the opportunity to reprimand Malaysians who had posted seemingly irrelevant and sensitive questions.
Malaysians should have take the chance to speak up, not to show how shallow and immature Malaysians are…
News portal Malaysiakini also highlighted some of the Tweets sent:
@aleffush: What's in Rosmah's hair?
@dawsydozz: What is the secret behind your juicy pink lips?
@idzwan88: I'm not smart enough to ask Najib good questions but I'm not going to waste Najib's time by being a smart*ss and asking silly questions! Grow up!
@dearfirdaus: Why are Malaysians acting like baboons? See it for yourself at #tanyanajib. Is this due to poor upbringing?
@jayong28: Why are university students not allowed to be involved in politics but a 14-year-old is allowed to marry?
@bluswhitehat: Will you even be able to answer all these questions?
Blogger Thomas Chai also highlighted some of the questions asked, and hopes that the Prime Minister will be committed to replying to every question.
There are many good questions out there being tweeted with some not so useful and some very satirical and I do hope the Prime Minister will take his time to answer all those tough but valid questions if he sincerely wants to improve things here at home.
Besides Twitter, the Prime Minister is also responding to questions posed on his Facebook account. Currently, however, the session has ended.
Mr. Najib has also not begun responding to the questions, nor has he indicated when he expects to do so.
Yg Berhormat PM, Memandangkan kenaikan harga barangan dipasaran yang semakin membebankan rakyat, saya fikir sudah tiba masanya untuk pihak kerajaan menilai semula pelarasan gaji untuk semua kakitangan swasta dan kerajaan. Untuk rakyat yang hanya bergantung dengan gaji semata-mata, keadaan ekonomi yang tidak menentu amat membimbangkan dan memberi tekanan. Oleh itu tindakan yang sewajarnya dari pihak kerajaan amatlah dinanti-nantikan. Nilai RM10 hari ini terlalu kecil untuk membeli keperluan dapur dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Gula, tepung, Beras, harga petrol dsb semakin memberatkan lagi beban yang sedia ada. Pelarasan gaji pada beberapa tahun yang lepas telah banyak meningkatkan taraf kehidupan rakyat dan diharapkan keprihatinan dan rasa tanggungjawab pihak kerajaan untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang maju dan bersatu , kekukuhan ekonomi memainkan peranan yang amat penting seperti slogan Pencapaian diutamakan, Rakyat didahulukan. Diharap Yang Berhormat PM mengumumkan Pelarasan Gaji ini dalam Belanjawan 2011. Terima kasih
What are your views on child labor, especially in regards to the garment industry?