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Arab World: “Stop Crying Over Sudan”

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, North America, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Sudan, U.S.A., Breaking News, Environment, Governance, International Relations, Politics

This post is part of our special coverage South Sudan Referendum 2011 [1].

Today's independence referendum [2] in Sudan has put the country on the radar in the Arabic twitterosphere. From Saudi Arabia to Palestine, Arab tweeps are discussing Sudan's unity, division and resources.

The referendum is part of the 2005 Naivasha Agreement between the Khartoum central government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army/Movement and may see the division of South Sudan from the rest of the country.

From Saudi Arabia, Omar Alattas asks [3]:

متي ستظهر نتايج انتخابات السودان #Sudan [4]
When will the Sudan referendum results be announced?

And then concludes [5]:

#sudan [6] اليوم ستصبح الجزائر أكبر دولة عربية عوضا عن السودان بلد المليون ميل
Today Algeria will replace Sudan as the largest Arab country

Bader Aujan, also from Saudi Arabia, is positive [7] about the future:


#Sudan [4] ألمانيا اتحدت بعد أنقسام وهونغ كونغ عادت للصين بعد أقتطاع وستعود السودان إن شاء الله وسيكون الأنفصال دافعاً قوياً للتنمية
Germany reunited after its division; Hong Kong returned to China after its separation; and I hope too that Sudan will return. I hope this separation will be a strong incentive for development.

He further adds [8]:

Germany is a great example how separated countries one day would join back again peacefully. #Sudan [4] is not an exception!

And Mohamed Osman, also tweeting from Saudi Arabia, appeals [9]to his readers:

نرجوا من الأخوة العرب الأعزاء عدم النياحة والردح في موضوع السودان، 26 سنة من الحرب وأنتم صامتون فأكملوا صمتكم #sudan [6]
Dear Arab brothers, Please stop crying and making an issue over Sudan. There was a 26 year war in which you were quiet. Please continue your silence now.

Palestinian Bahaa AlKayyali prays [10] for a united Sudan:

الوحدة للسودان… الوحدة #Sudan [4]
Unity for Sudan .. Unity

While from Jordan, Ali Dahmash points to [11] Sudan's rich resources:

Did you know that 70% of Sudan's Oil production is located in the south. No wonder John Kerry & US politicians are supporting the division!

And back in Saudi Arabia, Bandar Bin Naif, wonders [12]:

#sudan [6] قمر صناعي أنشىئ خصيصا لمراقبه الاستفتاء والأحداث في السودان، هل هو حبا في السودان أم مباركة للإنفصال http://bit.ly/eifsot [13]
A satellite has been launched specifically to monitor the referendum and developments in Sudan. Is this being done for the love of Sudan or as a blessing for the separation?

This post is part of our special coverage South Sudan Referendum 2011 [1].