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Colombia: Videobloggers Recorded 1 Video Per Day in 2010

Categories: Latin America, Colombia, Citizen Media, Technology

As previously reported on Global Voices, several Colombian videobloggers decided to make one video per day during 2010. [1] While not all finished, it is important to recognize the effort made by those who joined this global idea proposed by Juan Falla (@juanfallaesp [2]) (as explained [1] in a previous post on Global Voices).

Julián Mauricio (@Profetaloco [3]), one of the videobloggers that took on the challenge and completed it, posted the result of the initiative on Twitter [4] [es]:

3 colombianos decidieron terminar el reto #vlog365 [5] ellos son @luisasantiaga [6] @alejandroangel [7] @profetaloco [8] 1 video diario durante el 2011

3 Colombians decided to finish the challenge #vlog365 [5] they are @luisasantiaga [6] @alejandroangel [7] @profetaloco [8] 1 daily video during [2010]

He also shared his satisfaction for participating in the process [9] [es]:

CUMPLI EL RETO #VLOG365 [10] con muchas ganas de seguir haciendo videos hay @profetaloco [8] pa rato ¡¡¡ 2010 año del videoblog en españoL ¡¡¡

I COMPLETED THE CHALLENGE #VLOG365 [10] eager to make more videos, there will be @profetaloco [8] for a while!!! 2010 is the year of the videoblog in Spanish!!!

This is his video from December 18, 2010 [9] [es] with a panoramic view of Cali, Colombia [11]:

Luisa Santiaga (@Luisasantiaga), [6] who recorded her daily video from Cartagena [12], explains the challenge in her last video of the year [es].

Though her website, Cartagena 365, Luisa thanks those who followed her work [13] [es] and writes about her intention to continue making videos:

Gracias por acompañarme y darme todo su apoyo durante todo este 2010.¡Espero su compañia  durante el 2011, por que Cartagena365 no se termina! Así que tendrán más de Luisa Santiaga por mucho tiempo jeje.

Thank you for joining me and giving me your support during 2010. I hope to have your company during 2011, because Cartagena364 is not over! So yo will have more of Luisa Santiaga for a long time hehe.

Alejandro Angel (@AlejandroAngel [14]) remembered his first video of the year 2010:

Año nuevo vida nueva… hace 365 días… http://365.alejandroangel.es/dia-1-ano-nuevo-vida-nueva/ [15] #video [16]

New year, new life… 365 days ago… http://365.alejandroangel.es/dia-1-ano-nuevo-vida-nueva/ [15] #video [16]

Like Luisa Santiaga (@LuisaSantiaga [6]), he chose one of his videos to talk about the videoblogging initiative Project 365 [17] [es], which he joined through the site Alejandro Angel – Proyecto 365 [18] [es].

Undoubtedly, variety prevailed in the work of these videobloggers: drumbs from the Colombian Caribbean [19] [es] and floods caused by strong rains [20] [es] (Luisasantiaga), the preview to a concert [21] [es] and the words of a recent high school graduate [22][es] (Profetaloco), together with rain in the city of Barranquilla [23] [es] and the musical notes of an accordion [24][es] or of singers in Isla de Taganga [25] [es] (AlejandroAngel) are some of the videos these bloggers shared throughout the year.