This week we're announcing a new partnership between Global Voices and Demotix – the award-winning citizen photojournalism platform. Wherever it makes sense, we will use their images, and they will use our text.
Like Global Voices, Demotix was founded at the cross-roads of grassroots activism and journalism, with two principles in mind – freedom of speech and freedom of information. Our top stories often overlap.
Since Demotix first began recruiting independent photographers in 2009, they have built an impressive archive of over 400,000 photos from 190 countries by 3,500 photographers. Their business model is to sell the photos to newspapers, broadcasters and online news sites like ours and split the (small or large) fees 50:50 with the photographers. If you have a camera, join them.
In the case of Global Voices it will be very small fees, but we hope that we can help exercise parts of the Demotix photo archive that may be less attractive to commercial media. Our emphasis is always on people and places other media ignore. A picture really does a lot for helping people understand life and ideas from faraway.
We are hoping to encourage even more interaction between readers and contributors to both our websites by embedding Global Voices RSS feeds on Demotix continent and country pages.
As much as the internet is challenging old media models, only a few organizations are innovating in the realm of international news in the way that we are. We are very happy to try working together more closely in the months ahead!
Here's a link to the Demotix announcement.