The recent Wikileaks release, known as “Cablegate,” featured several quotations from Jordanian officials, as well as large numbers of cables from the U.S. Embassy in Amman. Jordanian tweeters had varied initial reactions to the latest leak from the whistle-blower site.
Shocking: The American Embassy at Amman is the 5th largest supplier of classified #cablegate info to the united states #JO #wikileaks
RJundi reacted in similar disbelief:
This is out of control! wikileaks info regarding #Jordan #Jo #wikileaks
He continued:
Am i wrong in questioning the credibility of #wikileaks ? I feel it is too convenient. Are we biting prematurely? #Jordan #Jo #
Feras Rayyan, in contrast, wrote:
ok..#cablegate is SHOCKING, but im not really shocked nor surprised by what im reading. none of it is news in the #mideast #middleeast #jo
Jaffy Shami reacted in a series of tweets:
Shame on online jordanian media, for not jumping on the #wikileaks story. Am I really more interested on who is the deputy in the parliament
He followed:
#jordan emerges as a voice of moderation in #wikileak. Unlike other arab states, it argued against a military action against iran
Tweeter ScarfaceJo added:
Do you think #cablegate #wikileaks will change Arab politics?
And answered his own question:
#cablegale #wikileaks if anything, show the impotence of Arab regimes and leadership