13 October 2010

Stories from 13 October 2010

Sudan: The Sudan Peace Watch

  13 October 2010

The Enough Project is introducing the Sudan Peace Watch: “In these regular updates, Enough's team of researchers and policy analysts will provide in-depth coverage of developments around the key benchmarks...

Africa: A Roundup of LGBT News

  13 October 2010

Sokari writes a roundup of LGBTI news around Africa: “Once again the Uganda media has outed “100″ LGBTI people, including names and photos placing everyone at risk of violence in...

Guyana: Creating Awareness

  13 October 2010

“October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month”: The Guyana Groove urges her compatriots to “speak up and save a woman’s life.”

Jamaica: Banton Petition

  13 October 2010

YardFlex.com reports that fans of music icon Buju Banton “have started a drive to get 15,000 signatures on a petition to US Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to step...

Chile: Unfolding Miracle

  13 October 2010

“it is such a joy to be following a story that is filled with the triumph of the human spirit”: Abeni is rejoicing over the rescue of the Chilean miners.

Bermuda: Runaround?

  13 October 2010

Breezeblog comments on the media roundtable hosted by the outgoing Premier: “More like the media getting the runaround.”

China: More reactions to a first Nobel Prize

  13 October 2010

Further thoughts on China's first Nobel laureate, Liu Xiaobo, who remains in prison and whose wife is now under house arrest: what the award means for China, its relationship with the rest of the world, and the country's future political game. See also photos of Liu's supporters.