7 September 2010

Stories from 7 September 2010

Puerto Rico: Conversation, Critique, Banter and Fun on the Net

  7 September 2010

One hundred forty characters were not enough. This is why a group of bloggers, social media savants, and pop culture junkies from Puerto Rico decided to expand the conversations they were having through Twitter. On February 11, 2010, @eldifusor, @fetoso, @joeprog, @nerdote, @redod, @reed_rothchild and a “revolving cast of online friends, followers, and collaborators” recorded the first podcast of #EnProfundo [ES] (In-depth) which is now transmitted every week.

Cuba: Prince Claus Award

  7 September 2010

Generation Y blogs about the “great surprise” of receiving the 2010 Prince Claus Award, saying: “I’m only going to focus on the satisfactions: the growing alternative blogosphere, the cracks that...

Trinidad & Tobago: On Boscoe

  7 September 2010

Nicholas Laughlin is “bemused and bothered” by certain aspects of an interview given to the New York Review of Books blog about artist Boscoe Holder’s work, while Pleasure ruminates on...

Barbados: Times Have Changed

  7 September 2010

Diaspora blogger Jdid says of his country's recent tragedy: “The time has come to realize…that our small islands aren't what they were 20-30 years ago. Accept that and then maybe...

Jamaica, Barbados: Social Crisis

  7 September 2010

Grasshopper Eyes The Potomac thinks that the English-speaking Caribbean “is going through an immense social crisis” that centers around violent crime.

Kenya: Hail the mobile phone

  7 September 2010

David Kimondo argues that the mobile phone has become the signature tool of development in Kenya: “A few years ago election monitoring and reporting was a tricky, tiring and often...

Madagascar: The Forgotten Crisis

  7 September 2010

Gregory Simpkins discusses Africa's forgotten crisis: “If you ask most Africa watchers what is the most urgent crisis on the continent, you’ll likely get answers ranging from Sudan to Somalia...

Bangladesh: Photo Essay Of Karwan Bazar

  7 September 2010

Photoblogger Anil Advani took a long time to put together a photo essay Of Karwan Bazar, a “chaotic whole-sale market for poultry, fish, meat and vegetables” in the middle of...