While a group of activists and representatives of Roma organizations was rallying [HUN] in front of the French Embassy in Budapest on Saturday, another group gathered at Heroes’ Square to hold the first ‘Day of Heterosexual Pride.’
Proszektura wrote this [HUN] before the heterosexual pride day:
[…] All this came to my mind because tomorrow, on Saturday, will be the big event, the hetero pride day. Last year the police didn't allow it. The new regime does. So tomorrow will be the hetero colds’ pride day. Where the petition of the participants will be received by Dóra Dúró and Előd Novák [both politicians of Jobbik, the far-right party]. As the only married couple among the members of Parliament. (Maybe D. D. will stylishly receive in a swimsuit Csaba Koletár–whose idea was the pride day–when giving her the petition?) Reportedly, the petition will ask the Parliament to modify the law, so the right of assembly could not be practiced without limitations hurting the sensitivity of the majority. If a minority wanted to hold an event like that, the law enforcer would sign such a location to it where the sensitivity of the majority would be less hurt. […]
Városi Ellenállás blog (“Urban Resistance”) explained the goal of the petition in this post [HUN], and shared their stance on the gay pride march which is held yearly at the same location in Budapest.
[…] The goal of the civil initiative organized by Csaba Koletár was not to allow the use of public places for gay marches, and not to allow the limitation of the right of assembly and free speech for normal people. […]
Some of us also had a lap of honour there because we felt it a duty bound to be there, and say no to a thing which totally contradicts normal people's value system. The problem is not if someone has a different sexual behavior, but if he provokes in public, hurts common moral standards and common sense of taste. If homosexuals did not express themselves this offensively to the majority society, and did not promote how trendy the thing they do is, then probably no-one would care about it. In turn, this whole thing is pouring on us as a disgusting ‘advertisement’ campaign from every source of the media, and we will not ignore it, neither now, nor in the future. […]
Bloggers of Mandiner were also at the heterosexual march and shared a short report with photos [HUN]:
[…] At the demonstration held with higher number of policemen on call than needed, but fewer than normally at Jobbik-smelly events, there were some 80 people, so the homosexual marches evidently beat the heterosexual [considering the number of participants]. So typical that the couple Előd Novák-Dóra Dúró appeared at the beginning of the event, said a speech, and then after some walk, they disappeared very fast. They would have been stupid to march the distance with a handful of miserables in the cold. Beyond Oktogon [square], evidently there were more from tourists who thought the proud Hungarian heteros were another loud group of tourists. […]
Mj and Margaret shared some photos on their blogs here and here. The latter uploaded videos to YouTube as well, one of them showing the pride marchers leaving Heroes’ Square:
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