There is a growing concern that Shiva Nazar Ahari, a jailed human rights activist, blogger, and editor of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters website in Iran, may be charged with moharbeh (waging war against God/enmity against God) in an upcoming trial.
In Iran, this can carry a death sentence.
Shiva Nazar Ahari’s lawyer, Mohammad Sharif, has expressed concern about his client’s upcoming trial considering the possible heavy charge of moharebeh in her case.
Nazar Ahari was arrested on 14 June 2009 at her office. After spending 102 days in detention, she was released on 23 September 2009 on $200,000 bail. She spent 33 days of her detention in solitary confinement. She was arrested for the second time on 20 December 2009, and has remained in prison without furlough and without any explanation from authorities about the reasons for her imprisonment.
The second session of her trial is said to be scheduled for 4 September 2010.
“I won't leave Iran”
In this short film showing Nazar Ahari's after her release from prison, she says that she decided to stay in Iran at any cost. She says she feels it is where her activity can have the most impact.
Here is a photo of Nazar Ahari doing volunteer work for an association supporting street kids and child laborers.
Iranian blogger Arman Sabz writes [fa]
If they call her an enemy of God, then who will be the next… One day they will call us the same… If you expect that some super hero will come and change our fate, they will eventually take us and our dear ones to prison.
Another blogger, Azad Bashim, writes [fa] that Shiva is in danger, although the accusations are baseless and she resists the pressure.
I am truly touched by this woman’s plight and courage I’ll pray that she will be free and continue her work too help her people she is true inspiration that there are people willing to die for freedom and may Allah protect her and please let your people know that i believe all people should be free and too have a better life without fear of retribution because governments may come and go but god is eternal… sincerely Kennneth
Shiva is not a regular people like us , she`s a jewel in the univers.
thank you for submitting my article about Shiva Nazar Ahari.
Viva Shiva , Viva Iran , Viva Freedom
Dictators,whether they are religious or secular,are always repressive. What a sick and twisted government Iran has. I suppose when they get tired enough of it,they’ll change it. They got rid of the shah,they can get rid of the crazy government they have now.